
Algorithm and Code Training School 2025

Algorithm and Code Training School 2025
January 27 - February 4, 2025
Camp in Serbia

Register now
Transform your winter into an epic journey of learning and growth

Seven days of intense competitions with programming champions from around the world and expert feedback all await you at the ACTS in Serbia in the beginning of 2025.

This camp is tailored to those with a track record in coding competitions and olympiads who aim to excel internationally.

Algorithm and Code Training School 2025 in Serbia
Why join?
Improve your results in international contests and olympiads in informatics.
Learn from the best – world-class experts and masters in their fields.
Make friends with top-performing students and experience the beauty and culture of Serbia firsthand.
"The ACTS was an amazing camp and one of the best events I've ever been in. The teachers were excellent and a variety of lectures, both from competitive programming topics and more general informatics ones, and contests. Besides the academic part, there were several fun activities organized in the great installations we were living in.
For future participants, I would definitely recommend this experience."
Alejandro Vivero, Spain | International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) Gold medal
How to participate
  1. Sign up for the ACTS in Serbia.
  2. Participate in the Youth Challenge Coder Track.

Only those who participated in the Youth Challenge Coder Track are eligible to be invited based on their performance and personal achievements.
The Youth Challenge Coder Track registration is open until 10:00 am UTC on November 18.

Sign up for ACTS

Youth Challenge registration

Key details
  • Dates of the camp: January 27 – February 4, 2025.
  • Language of instructions: English
  • Location: Serbia (we will announce the address of the venue shortly; it will be no more than a 2-hour drive from Belgrade)
  • Camp fee: to be announced. Accommodation and meals are covered by the organizers.
Algorithm and Code Training School 2025 in Serbia Schedule and Key Facts
Algorithm and Code Training School 2025 in Serbia Who Can Join
Who can join?

High school students aged 16-20 who: 

  • Are participants of the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), European Junior Olympiad in Informatics (EJOI), and similar international competitions.
  • Are preparing for national and international competitions in informatics.
  • Have demonstrated prowess in competitive programming.


Register now

Every day at the camp is packed with engaging activities, including:
- Exciting contests.
- Daily task analysis with world-renowned experts.
- Lectures and workshops led by experts in competitive programming.
- Social events offering the opportunity to network with top students from around the globe.
Our schedule is designed for maximum learning and enjoyment. The camp schedule is as follows (but is subject to change as necessary):
January 27: Arrival day
January 28 – 30: Classes
January 31: Day off
January 1 – February 3: Classes
February 4: Departure day
Our camp in Serbia promises a comfortable stay for all participants. You will stay in designated 2- or 3-bedroom apartments, which will foster an ideal environment for both learning and socializing. Meals will be served in the cafeteria, which offers a wide range of international cuisines to suit all tastes! Details about the city and the venue will be announced shortly.
Have any questions?

Get in touch with us via or We’re always happy to help!

Meet our experts

Benefit from the in-person meeting with the ICPC World Champions and JetBrains experts.

Pavel Mavrin photo
Pavel Mavrin
ICPC World Champion 2004, IOI 2002 Silver Medalist, Instructor with JetBrains Academy.
Mikhail Pyaderkin
Mikhail Pyaderkin
ICPC Gold Medalist 2014 & 2015, IOI Gold Medalist 2010, Staff Software Engineer.
Photo Vladimir Sharich
Vladimir Sharich
Chief Learning Officer, Constructor Talent School
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Organized by Constructor University

Constructor University is a private English-speaking campus university in Bremen, Germany. It adheres to the highest standards in interdisciplinary research and teaching, aiming to strengthen people and markets with innovative solutions and advanced training programs.



Supported by JetBrains Foundation

At JetBrains, code is our passion. Ever since we started, back in 2000, we have strived to make the strongest, most effective developer tools on earth. Over 15.9 million developers already use our products, and 90 Fortune Global Top 100 companies are JetBrains customers.

Organizing Committee
Andrey Ivanov photo
Andrey Ivanov
SVP of Investments, Research and Education at JetBrains
Dr. Stas Protasov
Stanislav Protasov
President of Constructor University Bremen
oznur bell photo
Öznur Bell
Chancellor of Constructor University
Olga Kornienko
Olga Kornienko
Head of Student Talent Recruitment, Constructor Knowledge and Constructor University
Dameli Assalauova
Dameli Assalauova
Student Recruitment Officer
Talent Recruitment & Scholarships, Constructor University
Dinar Gumirov photo
Dinar Gumirov
Project Coordinator at JetBrains
Ekaterina Artamonova photo
Ekaterina Artamonova
Project Coordinator at JetBrains
Alena Gupaisova photo
Alena Gupaisova
Marketing Manager at JetBrains
Maria Zyranova photo
Maria Zyryanova
Project Coordinator at JetBrains