Corona Report Project
This recent project is a cooperation between a team of committed Constructor University students and the Bremen State Association for Health (LVG). Their goal is to provide weekly reports on YouTube and other Social Media Platforms about the current numbers, restrictions, explanations, and tips regarding COVID-19 in six different languages. It is meant to support all those in the Bremen area for whom it is challenging to stay informed during the pandemic due to language barriers. To put the plan into practice, students work in various subgroups responsible for aesthetics, technology, translating, reporting, and coordinating. While bringing their international backgrounds to the project, they gain essential media, communication, and organizational skills.
Students Teach
Constructor University students offer (online) workshops at local schools and create a matching system for the purpose of connecting interested students with schools in our region. Partner schools profit from the students’ expertise in their respective study fields, their digital knowledge, and diverse backgrounds that offer new skills to high school students and help them draw motivation and ideas regarding their future options!
Students support the regional non-profit organization KETAAKETI with its innovative strategy of improving living conditions and future perspectives for children worldwide through education! Stressing self-organization and sustainability, KETAAKETI aims at the initiation and partnership of country-owned NGOs in some of the world’s poorest countries that then develop school projects and family support. In the long run, the organization plans to expand projects across the world and to create a network between the founded NGOs.

Traffic Strategy for Bremen
Constructor University students support the “Referat für Strategische Verkehrsplanung” in Bremen (the team responsible for the strategic planning of traffic in the Bremen administration) in their development of future concepts for the traffic organization of our town until 2025! The CIP focuses on the idea of ridesharing/carsharing with the goal of reducing the number of cars in the city and thus lower CO2 emissions. Students conduct research on European and worldwide benchmarks, collect and analyze data, and create mathematical models and surveys to better understand ecological parameters, allocation strategies, and customer’s attitudes for the specific needs and options of the Bremen area. In addition, they get the chance to further pursue their professional interests through practical experience and gain essential skills in project planning, organizing, and collaboration.

Hood Training
Students support Bremen’s organization “Hood Training,” which aims to integrate youths from less advantaged socio-economic backgrounds through sports programs and other activities (e.g., freeletics, martial arts, graffiti, and rap). The program not only allows for the young participants to discover and develop their individual strengths but to grow a feeling of understanding and community, learn to deal with aggression, and take over responsibility as a member of our society!
Force aux Femmes
A project that addresses the struggles of women in our communities, such as the risks of gender-related violence and poverty. Constructor University students work closely with the adjacent refugee camp and plan on collecting donations and hosting different workshops in which they teach German language skills and self-defense to support women with migrant backgrounds during the process of adjusting to their new home!
Menstrual Mission
A project that aims to increase awareness and conversation about menstruation at Constructor University and target areas in Bremen to rid the discomfort surrounding the topic. The students plan to realize their vision through workshops at the university and possibly at public schools, an art exhibition, interviews with people from older age groups about their experiences, a women’s week, and presenting future ideas such as 3D-printed menstrual cups!

This could be you
A student project that films people reading out anonymous stories about experiences of discrimination. Reporting how this makes them feel and commenting on the specific situation and the broader topic, the students spark a discussion and bring attention to the many facets of discrimination. A fascinating project that will be both a series of films and a form of collective reflection!