Research Facilities and Labs
Research Facilities and Labs
CLAMV (Computational Laboratory for Analysis, Modeling and Visualization) is the center for scientific computing at Constructor University. It serves as support initiative for computationally oriented disciplines and provides the platform for exchange and cooperation in applied computing. CLAMV provides services for:
- Support for faculty projects in computational science
- High Performance Computing and Data Visualization
- Underpinning computer support for field excursions, surveys and community projects
- Computer Teaching Lab
- Digital Test Center
CLAMV is integrated as team IT-Labs into Constructor University IT Services.
The e.on Lab and Lab 2 buildings host research labs for the Life Sciences, Chemical and Biophysical Sciences, and Physics. In addition, students take advantage of four modern teaching laboratories located in direct proximity to the research labs. Together the e.on Lab and Lab II buildings serve all the needs for research and teaching in the Natural Sciences. The facilities are generously sized and equipped according to modern standards. Two clean rooms, two cell culture facilities, and a radioisotope lab are available. Furthermore, researchers have access to state-of-the art equipment, including NMR spectrometer, confocal laser scanning microscope, atomic force microscopy & force spectroscopy, laser spectroscopy, x-ray diffractometry, electron spectroscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, robots etc. etc.

The OceanLab is a multipurpose research lab facility at Constructor University. It hosts and facilitates inter-and multidisciplinary research, including industry projects, in Marine Science, Technology, High-tech Marine Biology, Oceanography, Geochemistry and Geophysics. It houses not only open working space and seminar rooms but also a large test basin, a mechanical workshop, electronic work places, and a greenhouse for testing, prototyping and developing new instruments and tools. The OceanLab is also the base for transdisciplinary research cruise preparations. Undergraduate and graduate students use it for their practical training, research and thesis work.
Within the OceanLab building, the Geochemistry Lab is located. It is set out for trace metal geochemistry in diverse Earth materials, including rocks, soils, sediments, ores, plant and animal tissues, as well as different types of freshwater and marine waters. A special focus of the analyses is on high-tech metals as resources and emerging contaminants and the role of metal speciation on geochemical reactivity and bioavailability.
The laboratory provides over 1200 m² of research space to research groups in Psychology, Neuroscience, and the Social Sciences.
Laboratory rooms are available for
- computerized testing methods
- interviews
- behavior video observation
- psychophysiological testing (including electrophysiological measurement)
- human performance
- eye tracking
- telephone survey
For more information on our laboratories please contact Dr. Nicole Seebeck, Head of Laboratory Services

Training a new generation of computational scientists. In this Doctoral Network we aim at training a new generation of computational scientists which can treat complex and interdisciplinary problems such as light harvesting on a molecular level using theoretical and computational tools.
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