GovernanceAs a private university, Constructor University is independent from government control of its mission, strategic direction, and resources. Constructor University is governed by an independent board of governors who serve as trustees of the resources and mission of the institution. The Constructor University Board of Governors is comprised of leading figures from the world of international business, politics and academia.
The Board is responsible for monitoring the implementation of Constructor University’s guiding principles, ensuring adequate resources for the operation of the university, and for approving budgets and personnel recommendations put forward by the President. The President is responsible for all administrative and academic operations of the university.
As a leading English-language private university in Bremen, Germany, Constructor University prioritizes interdisciplinary education, emphasizing a synergetic and entrepreneurial spirit on campus.
Our top-tier professors set students up for a successful, international career. We ensure academic excellence and equip our students with fundamental knowledge, ultimately empowering them to address the world’s most pressing challenges.
By providing state-of-the-art facilities and creating a collaborative atmosphere amongst our renowned faculty, students and PhD candidates, Constructor University offers exceptional research opportunities and drives groundbreaking discoveries.
With more than 120 nations on campus, diversity lies at the heart of Constructor University. Our close-knit, international campus community offers a unique learning environment for all students, fostering global citizenship and mutual understanding.
I invite you to join us on this academic journey, to discover a university where students build lifelong friendships and international networks, find their voices and make a lasting impact on the world.
Let Constructor University inspire your dreams and ignite your potential. Your future begins here!
Dr. Stanislav Protasov
Constructor University, Bremen

Constructor University Bremen gGmbH is a registered non-profit organization. In accordance with its statutes, it comprises four bodies: the Councilors, the Board of Trustees, the Board of Governors and the Executive Board, which comprises the President and the Managing Director of the university. The Board of Governors is the main decision-making body for all fundamental issues that affect the development of the university, including the appointment of the president and professors.
Constructor University Executive Board
President / Chair of the Executive Board
Dr. Stanislav Protasov
Turgut Tülü
Managing Director
Prof. Dr. Thomas Auf der Heyde
Managing Director / Chief of President Administration
Serguei Kouzmine
Constructor University Bremen Board of Governors
Oznur Bell (Chairwoman)
CEO of Constructor Knowledge
Dr. Serg Bell (Vice Chairman)
Founder & Chairman of the Board of Constructor Group
Dr. Philipp Rösler (Vice Chairman)
Member of the supervisory boards of various listed companies, including Siemens Healthineers AG and the energy supplier Fortum, former Vice Chancellor of Germany
Jochen Berger
Founder, Entrepreneur and Investor
Prof. Dr. Mark Kamlet, PhD
Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Rainer Köttgen
Founding Chairman of the Board Reimar Lust Stiftung, retired State Secretary to the Senator for Education and Science Bremen, 1999–2006
Rafael Laguna de la Vera
Software Entrepreneur, Director of the Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation SPRIND
Peter Lürßen
Managing Director of Fr. Lürssen Werft
Elena Novoselova
Vice President of communications and grant management at SIT
Dr. Cornelia Scheitz
Jacobs Alumna class of 2007, President Jacobs University Bremen Alumni Association e.V., Senior Director Autodesk
Prof. (HSG) Dr. Sascha Spoun
President of Leuphana University Lüneburg
Prof. Dr. Gerold Wefer
Founder and former director of MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences of the University of Bremen
Dr. Matthias Winter
McKinsey & Company, Senior Partner in Zurich
Dr. Hoda Alkhzaimi
Co-Chair of Global Future Council for Cyber Security, Director of Emerging Advanced Research for Technologies Security and Cryptology Group and Lab, Director for Center of Cyber Security and Research, Assistant Professor at New York University Abu Dhabi
Prof. Dieter Lüst
Director at the Max-Planck-Institute for Physics in Munich and holds a chair for theoretical physics at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich.
Prof. Yves Flückiger
Professor Emeritus from the University of Geneva, Switzerland. The President of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, previously served as the Rector of the University of Geneva from July 2015 until March 31, 2024.
Mete Atatüre
Leader of the Quantum Optical Materials and Systems (QOMS) group at the University of Cambridge
Judith Pirscher
Former State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung)
Dr. Maarten Boersma
Vice Director at the Alfred Wegener Institute of Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
Prof. David S. Rosenblum
Chair of the Department of Computer Science at George Mason University
The members of the Strategic Advisory Board are integral to the advancement of the Constructor Group, actively participating in its diverse initiatives. Engaged in research, program development, and providing crucial guidance, these individuals significantly contribute to fostering innovation and excellence within the organization.

Novoselov’s work on graphene was recognised by the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010. Professor Novoselov and Professor Andre Geim were awarded the Nobel...
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Prof. Boltasseva specializes in nanophotonics, optical materials and nanotechnology focusing on materials for plasmonics and nanophotonic technologies...
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Andrea C. Ferrari earned a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Cambridge University, after a Laurea in Nuclear Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, ...
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Professor Rosenblum received his PhD in 1988 from Stanford University. From 1988 to 1996 he was a Member of the Technical Staff at AT&T Bell Laborator...
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Nicolas Gisin is a Swiss physicist and professor at the University of Geneva working on quantum information and communication, as well as on the found...
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Scott Joel Aaronson (born May 21, 1981) is an American theoretical computer scientist and David J. Bruton Jr. Centennial Professor of Computer Science...
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Artur Konrad Ekert is a Professor of quantum physics, quantum computation and cryptography. His research extends over most aspects of information proc...
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Wolfgang Wahlster is a Professor of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and a pioneer of AI in Germany and Europe. His research areas are artificial intellig...
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Professor Netessine received BS/MS degrees in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology and, after wo...
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Rappuoli earned his doctoral and bachelor's degrees in biological sciences at the University of Siena. Rino Rappuoli is Head of Vaccine research and d...
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Mark S. Kamlet is a Professor of Economics and Public Policy and Provost Emeritus at Carnegie Mellon, with joint appointments in the Department of Soc...
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Dr. Coleman is the former Senior Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Professor of Philosophy and of Recorded Music at New York University, where ha...
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Experienced technology entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in software development, virtualization and business management. Co-founder and T...
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Guenther is a Partner at PwC Zurich and Leader of PwC Legal Switzerland where he and his team are building the law firm of the future. Every day. ...
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