Professor Wolfgang Wahlster
Professor of Computer Science, CEA of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
Wolfgang Wahlster is a Professor of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and a pioneer of AI in Germany and Europe. His research areas are artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, and intelligent user interfaces. He works on the basics of Human-technology interactions and develops personalized dialogue systems.
Wahlster is Co-initiator of numerous research projects such as "Industry 4.0", which is about collaboration of robots and humans. Professor Wahlster is a founding director and Chief Executive Advisor of the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). He is an elected Fellow of AAAI, EurAI, and GI. His current research areas are multimodal dialog systems for human-centred AI and cyber-physical production systems for the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), a concept that he coined in 2010. He is on the Executive Board of the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) at UC Berkeley and a member of the steering board of Germany’s platform for AI.
Wahlster is a member of the Nobel Prize Academy in Stockholm, the German National Academy Leopoldina and three other prestigious academies.
Major Awards:
- German Future Prize
- First Class Cross of Merit
- Grand Cross of Merit by the Federal President of Germany
- IJCAI Donald E. Walker Award in 2013
- ICMI Sustained Accomplishment Award of the ACM in 2016