Undergraduate Student Government (USG)
Undergraduate Student Government (USG)As the designated representative for all students at Constructor University, the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) is committed to enhancing the quality of life in all aspects from academics to campus life.
Our mission is to advocate on behalf of students both within and outside the university. Formed to serve as an official and representative body, the USG addresses student inquiries and concerns, takes necessary actions, and provides a formal avenue for expressing student interests.
It also promotes responsible student engagement in university policy and decision-making, fosters recognition of students’ roles in the academic community, aims to improve educational quality and scope at Constructor University Bremen, facilitates effective student participation in managing student affairs, and sets guidelines for its operation.

Chair: Chaudhry Ahmad Sardar - csardar@constructor.university
Co-Chair: Enes Aksay - eaksay@constructor.university
Number of members: 11 members
Mission Statement:
“The Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) at Constructor University is dedicated to addressing all academic issues students encounter throughout their studies. This encompasses challenges with courses, modules, professors, and the broader module system. Our role extends beyond representation in university committees; we actively engage in academic self-governance by advocating for students' interests and offering suggestions to enhance academic policies and practices.”
Committees with AAC representatives:
- Academic Senate
- University Committee on Education
- University Committee on Quality Management
- University Committee on Academic Integrity
The AAC meets every Wednesday at 21:00 in IRC Seminar room I.
Chair: Kabita Oli - koli@constructor.universtiy
Co-Chair: Vedant Singhi - vsinghi@constructor.university
Number of members: 8 members
Mission Statement:
“The CAC works on all problems that students living on campus face. These include problems with wifi, housing, facilities, campus cleanliness, scholarest, the meal plan, amongst a variety of other issues.”
- Internet & Bandwidth Subcommittee
- Housing & Maintenance Subcommittee
- Scholarest Subcommittee
- EQ - Equality & Diversity Subcommittee
- Environmental Subcommittee
- PR Subcommittee
The CAC meets every Tuesday at 21:00 in IRC Seminar room I.

Treasurer: Reda Ghassah - reghassah@constructor.university
Secretary: Andrei-Gheorge Valean - avalean@constructor.university
Number of members: 9 members
Mission Statement:
“The FAC manages and maintains the budget of the USG. It receives 25 Euros per person per semester and ensures that this budget is invested in a way that is beneficial to all students. Clubs and student initiatives on campus can apply for USG funding.”
The FAC meets online every Monday at 21:00.
Chair: Mohammad Asia - masia@constructor.university
Co-Chair: Yasin Gasimov - ygasimov@constructor.university
Mission Statement:
“The Events Committee is committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive campus environment. Our mission is to organize engaging events that bring students together, celebrate diversity, and enhance student life. From cultural nights to social gatherings, we aim to create memorable experiences that strengthen community bonds and ensure that campus life remains active, dynamic, and fun for all.”
The Events Committee meets every Thursday at 19:00.

Chair: Ana-Maria Dobrescu - adobrescu@constructor.university
Co-Chair: Diana-Maria Harambas - dharambas@constructor.university
Mission Statement:
“Since the PR Committee has taken shape, we have managed to reactivate the Instagram accounts of the USG parliament and those of the subcommittees. For this semester we plan to make it easier for students to keep track of everything that is happening in the USG, by creating even more exposure through the printed newsletters and social media accounts. We extended the team, so that every committee of the USG can have a representative, and now we have an even better coverage of what is going on in the university.”
The PR Committee is not meeting regularly, but coordinating via WhatsApp.
President of the USG: Amelie Chiara Kramer - akramer@constructor.university
Vice President: Anushka Sharma - ansharma@constructor.university
Number of Parliamentarians: 10
Amelie Chiara Kramer, Anushka Sharma, Daniil (Sol Astri) Gorlov, Ana-Maria Dobrescu, Chaudhry Ahmad Sardar, Rares Contantinescu, Enes Aksay, Diana-Maria Harambas, Felipe Ribadeneira Tello & Kabita Oli.
Mission Statement:
“The USG Parliament is a governing body within the university’s student government. It is tasked with managing and coordinating the activities and representation of the student body, along with ensuring effective communication between the students and the administration of the university.”
President's Office
The parliament is led by the president and the vice president. They are the first people of contact with the administration and Student Life and Support.
If you ever have any concerns or want to talk about something, you can reach out to them!
Who to contact:
President of the USG - Amelie Kramer - akramer@constructor.university
Vice President of the USG - Anushka Sharma - ansharma@constructor.university
Head of the AAC - Chaudhry Ahmad Sardar - csardar@constructor.university
Head of the CAC - Kabita Oli - koli@constructor.university
Head of the FAC - Reda Ghassah - rghassah@constructor.university
Head of Events - Mohammad Asia - masia@constructor.university
Head of PR - Ana-Maria Dobrescu - adobrescu@constructor.university
The parliament meets every Thursday at 21:00 in IRC seminar room II.
If you want to know more about the USG, the help we can provide you with, and further information about the university and its possibilities, you can find that on Teamwork. For that, you need to log in with your constructor account.
For funding applications for clubs, please refer to the Teamwork page of the FAC. For that, you need to log in with your constructor account.

My name is Amelie (Chiara Kramer), my pronouns are they/them and I am a second-year IRPH (International Relations: Politics and History) major with a minor in SMP (Society, Media and Politics). I have been in the CAC since the beginning of my first semester and started my work in the parliament last semester. I am continuing my term as the president this semester and am excited to continue to work on improving the student life here.
My main goals as a president are:
- Making sure that student opinion is heard by the administration - no matter if they want it or not ;)
- Ensuring a good working relation to the administration to push forward student's needs in the best way possible
- Facilitate a good communication with the student body to be informed and address all the important matters
I am very excited to represent the undergraduate students once again!
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me in person or online, I am always here for questions!

Vice President:
My name is Anushka Sharma, I am a second-year student majoring in Biochemistry and Cell Biology (BCCB) and minoring in Integrated Social and Cognitive Psychology (ISCP). I have been part of the AAC since the beginning of my first semester and have been the delegate of UCE (Undergraduate Committee of Education). Last semester, I became the part of the parliament and I'm currently continuing my role as Vice-President of Undergraduate Student Government (USG) with a strong commitment to driving positive change.
My main goals as a Vice President are:
- Advocate for policies that enhance both the student experience and the academic environment
- Ensure that our university will be the place where every student's voice is heard, valued and empowered
- Support initiatives that promote inclusivity, and expanding opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Happy to be part of the Constructor Family and represent undergraduates once again :)!
Let's get together to look forward to the betterment of students.
Please feel free to reach out to me. ;)