Annual Constructor Career Fair 2024

Career Fair

The Constructor University annual Career Fair is the largest career event of the year, held every March on the Constructor University campus in Bremen or online. Since 2015, we have hosted hundreds of worldwide enterprises, regional companies, research institutes, non-governmental and governmental agencies, as well as freshly founded start-ups from a wide range of industries to facilitate connections with the brightest talent in the Bremen area.

The event offers excellent opportunities for employers, alumni, and Bremen area students alike, enhancing networking, career development, and recruitment efforts.

International organizations such as Microsoft, Tesla, AB InBev, KPMG, Barry Callebaut, and Roche, as well as regional companies such as the dairy enterprise DMK Group, leading names in research such as the Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Marum and Fraunhofer Mevis, are examples of partners that have made the Career Fair successful year after year. See below for an extensive list.

Are you currently working in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, or similar fields?
These have traditionally been underrepresented at the fair and we would love to have your presence to promote professional roles in these areas.

The advantages of attending the Constructor Career Fair:

  • Connect with promising young talent
  • Exchange ideas about internships, student jobs, as well as trainee and entry-level positions
  • Present your company to a relevant target group in lectures and give exciting insights into your work environment

The registration deadline for exhibitors is February 29.

For full information on the Career Fair, please visit the event website. We look forward to seeing you in March!

Learn more

2023 Career Fair Highlights
 Constructor University Career Fair 2023
Event details and reservation
Online event