09/22/2023 - Constructor CAREER SYMPOSIUM

Career Symposium
The importance of Adaptability!

The event is dedicated to challenging issues in the fields of career development, the world of employment, and interactions between higher education and society.

This year´s topic will be: “The importance of adaptability!“.
This year, the event is dedicated to the number one soft skill employers are searching for: Adaptability!

What can we learn from previous research in neuroscience and psychology? Can adaptability be learned? How important is adaptability for working life and is it already part of the selection process? What connections can be made to resilience, problem solving or growth mindset? How do our own experiences shape our ability to adapt?


The Constructor Career Symposium is organized by the Career Services Center (Student Career Support) at Constructor University, and aims to foster a constructive discussion as well as networking opportunities between alumni from all over the world, current students, professors, employers, and additional experts.


A keynote speaker as well as a selected panel of professors and alumni are invited to contribute and to interact with a moderator in a discussion on the basis of their diverse backgrounds and expertise.

The reflection on the Symposium topic between the speakers is followed by an open debate with the audience, where further questions will be addressed and answered.

The event ends with a socializing get-together, giving all participants the opportunity to continue exchanging ideas as well as to expand their professional networks.

17:30 Welcome Address from Career Services Center
Sinah Vogel
Career Services and Employer Relations Coordinator
17:35 Welcome Speech from the President of the University
Dr. Stanislav Protasov
17:45 Keynote Speech
Dr. Amir Jahanian Najafabadi
Post-doctoral researcher and lecturer in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience at Bielefeld University
Guest Researcher in Neuroscience, Constructor University Bremen gGmbH).
18:00 Panel Discussion

Nicklas Vorrink
Constructor Alumni Class of 2022, IT Department Constructor University


Prof. Dr. Sonia Lippke

Professor & Head of Health Psychology & Behavioral Medicine Unit Constructor University

Sneschana Kleim
HR Team Lead, Zeppelin Power Systems GmbH

Ahmed Saeed
Supply Chain Management Consultant, Accenture

Dr. Amir Jahanian Najafabadi
Post-doctoral researcher and lecturer in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience at Bielefeld University, Guest Researcher in Neuroscience, Constructor University Bremen gGmbH
19:00 Get-together at the "End-of-summer BBQ"

Please note:
If you are an undergraduate student and you like to register your attendance as mandatory electives for the Career Skills Module, you need to sign at the registration desk at the events (17:00, IRC Foyer!).

Event details and reservation
Campus Center I Conference Hall