Constructor University: still a hotbed of innovation?


This webinar is a part of an Innovative Universities Global Webinar Series.

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Founded in 1999 as the International University Bremen, Constructor University aimed to cut across disciplinary and national borders in higher education.

How did its early days unfold? To what extent did the initial vision materialize? How has the university evolved? Is its operating model, quite a breakthrough two decades ago, still cutting-edge?

In our inaugural webinar, Professors Klaus Boehnke and Sebastian Springer will reflect on their experience at the university through the years. They'll analyze successes, setbacks, and offer guidance to current and future change-makers, drawing from the legacy of Germany's most international higher education institution.

Issues we will touch upon include:

  • What were 5 key innovations of Constructor University?
  • Did they affect the German higher education system?
  • Does Germany still need private universities?
  • What can Constructor University do that public institutions cannot?
  • To what extent does size matter if it comes to cutting-edge research?

…and many others!

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The only webinar focusing exclusively on university cases
Meet our well-known experts from innovative universities who share experience and success stories.
Dynamic interview-driven format
Cases of innovative institutions and initiatives in higher education.
A possibility to connect with experts
Watch the presentation, video interview and engage in Q&A sessions.
Klaus Boehnke

Prof. Klaus Boehnke

Full Professor of Social Science Methodology at Constructor University, Bremen, Germany, since 2002

  • Former President of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP)
  • Various publications on socialization research topics in leading journals, including Science
  • Doctorate in Psychology at TU Berlin in 1985
  • Studied at University of the Saarland in Saarbrücken, Ruhr University Bochum and TU Berlin
Sebastian Springer

Prof. Sebastian Springer

Full Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, at CU since 2001

  • 1996-2001 UC Berkeley, Postdoc with Nobel laureate Randy Schekman
  • 1992-1996 Oxford, PhD on molecular immunology
  • Studied Biochemistry in Tübingen, Germany
  • Research and transfer: Immune defence against viruses and cancer, on a molecular level (no animals/patients).
  • Teaching: Taught Biochemistry, Immunology, general molecular life sciences in lectures, labs, seminars.
  • Service: Co-chair of the Academic Senate, member of the Faculty Council 2018-20 and 2022 to date.
Professor Isak Frumin
Professor Isak Frumin
Dara Melnyk
Dara Melnyk
Watch the recording

Join us for an imaginative exploration into the history of an institution that shattered the boundaries of traditional education. Be prepared to be inspired, provoked, and captivated as we unveil the captivating story of Constructor University.

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