CoWell Brown Bag Research Seminar - Prof. Dr. Tobias Schröder

Prof. Dr. Tobias Schröder
Research Professor at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences

Jacobs University Bremen
Res. IV, Conference Room

Modeling Identities, Affect, and Social Interaction with (Bayesian) Affect Control Theory

According to affect control theory (ACT), the motivational forces underlying human social interactions can be explained through the dynamical interplay of identity and emotions. ACT is a mathematically formalized theory, which builds upon core insights from psychology (a preference for cognitive/emotional consistency, dimensional models of emotion) and sociology (social interactions as guided by culturally shared symbolic structures). A recently developed probabilistic generalization (BayesACT) opens up applications in Artificial Intelligence and Computational Social Science. I will review the basic theoretical elements, mathematical models, possible applications, and empirical evidence for this truly interdisciplinary and comprehensive theory of human social behaviour.

Event details and reservation
12/09/2015 CoWell Brown Bag Research Seminar