Lecture by Dr. Debora Jeske


In this talk Dr. Jeske will touch on several points. First, digital footprints and data temptations in recruitment and selection. Second, adverse impact, applicant dropouts and withdrawal. And third, big data and triangulation: questions of utility vs. privacy and replicability.  The talk will be open to everybody who has an interest in learning how data is generated by people and devices, how the data is then translated into information (and potentially misused) for a variety of purposes.


Dr. Debora Jeske is a lecturer in Work and Organisational Psychology at University College Cork, Ireland. Her research interests include psychology and technology at work (including e-HRM, ethics at work, information/ data management at work, Human Computer Interaction). Contact details: Dr. Debora Jeske, School of Applied Psychology, University College Cork, North Mall, Cork City, Ireland.


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Event details and reservation
Diversity Research Seminar
Research IV, conference room 52