Major Networking Fair




Network with Jacobs alumni and faculty and further develop your career path.

Major reunions are all about alumni, current students and professors from the same majors getting together to exchange ideas and thoughts on employability and how an academic degree in this specific major changed their lives, academically, vocationally and personally.
You have the opportunity to speak with JUB alumni and gather their insight about their career path and their career development. Professors will share their vast knowledge and experience to help guide you through your career journey. And fellow students present the projects they have been working on.
Please come prepared with your questions and your personal ‘story’, as professors and alumni would like to get to know you too.

Please note:
If you are an undergraduates student and you like to register your attendance as mandatory electives for the Career Skills Module, you need to sign in (in person) at the events.

When: September 23, 2022 | 18:30 – 20:00
Where: Campus Center I Foyer

Event details and reservation
Network with Jacobs alumni and faculty and further develop your career path.

When: September 23, 2022 | 18:30 – 20:00
Where: Campus Center I Foyer
Campus Center I Foyer