MOLIFE RESEARCH SEMINAR Prof. Dr. Christoph Kaleta
Identification of conserved transcriptomic signatures in vertebrate aging
Identifying conserved molecular patterns that underlie the phenotypic conservation of ageing in vertebrates is of utmost important to reveal the aetiology of ageing-associated diseases. To provide a reference resource for comparative ageing research, we generated a transcriptome data set covering up to four tissues across four different model organisms of vertebrate ageing: human, mouse, zebrafish and killifish. Analysing gene expression changes from a functional perspective, we identify a highly conserved transcriptomic signature of ageing that encompasses a large number of molecular processes including immune-associated, cell-proliferative and metabolic processes. This analysis allows us, for the first time, to delineate age-associated changes that are due to the process of aging itself and those that are due to the ecology/environment in which a particular species evolved.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Christoph Kaleta, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany
Host: Prof. Dr. Marc-Thorsten Hütt, Professor of Computational Systems Biology, Focus Area: Health - Life Sciences & Chemistry, Email:, Tel: +49 421 200-3238, Link to Homepage:
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24.11.2015 Prof. Dr. Christoph Kaleta Marc-Thorsten Hütt Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Identification of conserved transcriptomic signatures in vertebrate aging
Identification of conserved transcriptomic signatures in vertebrate aging
Jacobs University Bremen, Lecture Hall of Research II