Physics Colloquium: Prof. Dr. David Kleinhans

   The Colloquium will be held by Prof. Dr. David Kleinhans,

   NEXT ENERGY, EWE-Forschungszentrum für Energietechnologie at University Oldenburg
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   Time:  12:45 - 14:00 h

   Venue: Research III, Lecture Hall

 Open to Jacobs Students, Faculty and Staff

Sandwiches and Drinks will be provided before the lecture at 12:15 h


Long time ago Europe was the cradle of large scale electric energy systems. Since the late 19th century the synchronous grid in Central Europe has developed to a highly complex technical infrastructure spanning from Denmark to Italy and from Portugal to Bulgaria. Despite its complexity the reliability and security of supply is outstanding, which is considered as an important economic factor.

This contribution illustrates key characteristics of hierarchical power systems and their control. A focus is on the impact of upcoming substantial changes in power systems, which implicitly will evolve towards higher shares of electricity generated from fluctuating renewable sources. The challenges originating from this development (for instance the optimal integration of storages, the implementation of demand side management and consequences for the distribution and transmission grids) are discussed in the context of recent results from energy system modeling and optimization. In this context it becomes evident, that the problems albeit their multidisciplinary scope significantly can benefit from methods already known in the Natural Sciences.


Further information by:

Dr. Stefan Kettemann, Professor of Physics - Physics & Earth Sciences

Research III, Room 96, Phone: +49 421 200-3521, E-mail:  Link to homepage:

Event details and reservation
Physics Colloquium