Physics Colloquium: Prof. Michael Schreiber

The Anderson model of localization is a paradigmatic model for the description of the electronic states of disordered systems. In three-dimensional structures one can observe a disorder-driven or energy-driven transition from metallic to insulating behavior. This phase transition corresponds to a localization of electronic states, in contrast to the extended wave functions typical for crystalline materials. We have performed very-large-scale numerical simulations based on three different approaches, namely the recursive Greens function method, eigenfunction amplitude statistics, and energy level statistics. The resulting data are analyzed with finite-size scaling, multifractal analysis, and random matrix theory, respectively. We obtain a conclusive description of the phase transition and demonstrate that the outcomes of the different methods are in agreement. On the one hand we can confirm analytical functionalities derived from field theory and symmetry relations, on the other hand we obtain critical exponents which are relevant for experimental investigations, also for technologically interesting materials.

The colloquium will be held by:

Prof. Michael Schreiber, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany (Link to homepage)

Where: Seminar Room in Research III

Further information by:

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kleinekathöfer, Prof. of Physics, Physics & Earth Sciences

Email:, Tel: +49 421 200-3523,
Link to Homepage:

Event details and reservation
Physics Colloquium