Piano to Forte is a student-organized Charity event where a selected number of musically talented students perform different musical numbers for the audience. It is the largest event on campus, and the most popular one out of the ones that students organize.
The money from the ticket sales as well as donations will go to charity projects run by Jacobs clubs like Explore Bremen, Rotaract Jacobs and the Refugee support club.

It will happen the 6th and 7th of November starting at 19h30, in the Cinema place in Jacobs University Bremen (only for community members with pre-booking due to COVID-19 regulations).

The event will also be available via Live Stream on Saturday, November 7th, 7:30pm

The slogan this year is: Let the music speak!


Event details and reservation
Piano to Forte is a student-organized Charity event where a selected number of musically talented students perform different musical numbers for the audience. It is the largest event on campus, and the most popular one out of the ones that students organize.
Campus Cinema of Jacobs University Bremen - Live Streaming on November 07, 2020 – 19:30