WE MADE IT! 3078 Kilometers in 22 hours, 53 minutes!

The destiny of people from Syria is still shocking the whole world. To point out the strains and threats refugees are going through, the rowing team of Jacobs University wants to cover the 3078 kilometres separating those two places on ergometers.

Many athletes from all around the world will participate and support the event on November 14th 2015.

Everybody can follow the event on via live stream.

On this website interested people can also find many different aid programmes and opportunities to donate.

For more information click:


Sie haben wochenlang trainiert, morgen heißt es: Start frei zum „Ergathon“! Innerhalb von 24 Stunden wollen die Ruderer der Jacobs University und ihre Unterstützer die 3078 Kilometer, die Damaskus und Bremen trennen, per Ergometer zurücklegen. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei nicht der Spaß am Sport: Das Ziel der jungen Männer und Frauen ist es, auf das Schicksal der Flüchtlinge aus Syrien aufmerksam zu machen und Spenden einzuwerben.

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Event details and reservation
The destiny of people from Syria is still shocking the whole world. To point out the strains and threats refugees are going through, the rowing team of Jacobs University wants to cover the 3078 kilometres separating those two places on ergometers. Many athletes from all around the world will participate and support the event on November 14th 2015.

Everybody can follow the event on via live stream. On this website interested people can also find many different aid programmes and opportunities to donate.

For more information click: