Prof. Dr. Isabel Wünsche
Res. IV | Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen
- 19th and 20th-century art and art theory
- artist networks
- abstraction
- modernism
- and the avant-garde movements
Ruprecht Karls University, Heidelberg, Germany, 1993-1997
Ph.D. in Art History, Classical and Christian Archaeology, May 1997
Dissertation: "Das Kunstkonzept der Organischen Kultur in der Kunst der russischen Avantgarde" (The Concept of Organic Culture in the Art of the Russian Avant-garde)
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 1993-1996
Visiting Scholar at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures and the Institute of Modern Russian Culture
Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 1990-1991
MA Exchange Student at the Department of History of Russian and Soviet Art
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 1986-1992
MA in Art History, August 1992
Thesis: "Erweitertes Sehen und Organische Kultur: M. V. Matiusins Handbuch der Farbe" (Extended Viewing and Organic Culture: M. V. Matiushin's Guide to Color)
- Publication Grant of the Society of Historians of Eastern European, Eurasian, and Russian Art and Architecture (SHERA), 2022
- Research Fellowship, Robert Gore Rifkind Center for German Expressionist Studies, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Summer 2022
- Appointment as Scout for the Henriette Herz Scouting Program of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 2021
- Research Grant, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Exchange Program with Finland, 2019-2021
- Teaching Award, Jacobs University, 2020
- International Discovery Award (IDA) of the Australian Research Council (ARC), 2016-2019
- Research Fellowship, New Europe College, Institute for Advanced Study, Bucharest, Romania, Spring 2016
- Research Grants, German Academic Exchange Board (DAAD), Exchange Programs with Croatia and Portugal, 2014-2015
- Research Grant, German Academic Exchange Board (DAAD), Exchange Program with Australia, 2012-2013
- Research Fellowship, German Science Foundation (DFG), 2011-2012
- Achievement Certificate for 10-Year Service to Jacobs University, December 2011
- Research Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Study, Collegium Budapest, 2008-2009
- Research Fellowship, National Humanities Center, North Carolina, USA, 2007-2008
- Research Fellowship, Nancy and Norton Dodge Collection of Nonconformist Art from the Soviet Union, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2003-2004 and 2007
- Mayers Fellowship, The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California, 2003-2004
- Three-Year Research Grant from the Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz Foundation, 1993-1996
- Grant from the Walter Kaminsky Foundation, 1990-1991
- State Grant for Exchange Students at Moscow State University, 1990-1991
The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino: Research Associate for American Art, August 2000 - August 2001
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences: Lecturer in Art History, 1998-2001
UCLA Extension, Online Teaching: Lecturer in Art History, Winter 2001
Scripps College, Claremont, Department of Art and Art History: Lecturer in Art History, Spring 2000
Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena: Curatorial Associate for the Blue Four Cataloguing Project, February 1997 - December 1999
Los Angeles County Museum of Art: Fellow at the Robert Gore Rifkind Center for German Expressionist Studies, September 1995 - September 1996
“From the Avant-Garde to Nonconformism: Soviet Artists and their Alternative Practices between Thaw and Stagnation,” joint research training group of the Russian Art & Culture Group at Constructor University and the Research Centre for Eastern European Studies at Bremen University, German Science (DFG), 2023-2026
Research Project “German-Finnish Artistic Relations and Cultural Exchange in the 20th Century,” together with Tutta Palin, University of Turku, Exchange Program with Finland, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), 2019-2021
Research Project “Bauhaus Australia: Émigrés, Refugees and the Modernist Transformation of Education in Art, Architecture, and Design, 1930 to 1970,” together with Philip Goad (University of Melbourne), Harriet Enquist (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology), Andrew McNamara (QUT), and Ann Stephen (University of Sydney), Discovery Grant of the Australian Research Council, 2016-2019
Research Project “German-Portuguese Artist Relations in the 20th Century,” together with Lucia Matos, University of Porto, Exchange Program with Portugal, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), 2014-2015
Research Project “German-Croatian Artist Networks in the 20th Century,” together with Ljiljana Kolesnik, Institute of Art History, Zagreb, Exchange Program with Croatia, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), 2014-2015
Research Project “The Reception of German Modernism and the Bauhaus in Australian Art, Architecture, and Art Education between 1920 and 1960,” together with Andrew McNamara, Queensland University of Technology, Exchange Program with Australia, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Australian Technology Network (ATN), 2012-2013
Research Project “The Politics of Abstraction: Modernist Art and Visual Culture in the Globalized World,” Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), 2011-2012
Isabel Wünsche, Galka E. Scheyer & The Blue Four: Correspondence 1924-1945, Berne: Benteli, 2006.
Isabel Wünsche, Galka E. Scheyer & Die Blaue Vier: Briefwechsel 1924-1945, Berne: Benteli, 2006.
Special Journal Issues:
Articles and Book Chapters (Selection, last 10 years):
Isabel Wünsche, “From Universal Visual World Language to Global Cross-Cultural Dialogue,” in Representing and Understanding Abstraction Today, Milan: Magütt Publishing, 2024, pp. 12-24.
Isabel Wünsche, “Mikhail Matiushin and the Concept of Organic Culture,” in Organic Art: The Avant-garde in Petrograd, exh. cat., Thessaloniki: MoMus, 2022, pp. 43-51.
Isabel Wünsche, “Liquid Crystals, Theories of Life, and Visual Perception in the Russian Avant-garde,” Leonardo, 54 (December 2021) 6: 680-684. Abstract: DOI: 10.1162/leon_a_02013.
Isabel Wünsche, Wiebke Gronemeyer, “Reform Education and Bauhaus Pedagogy,” in BAUHAUS DIASPORA: Transforming Education in Art, Architecture and Design, ed. Philip Goad, Ann Stephen, Andrew McNamara, Harriet Enquist, Isabel Wünsche, Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2019, pp. 22-35.
Veronica Bremer, Isabel Wünsche, “Bauhaus via London: Dahl Collings, Geoffrey Collings, Alustar Morrison and Richard Haughton James,” in BAUHAUS DIASPORA: Transforming Education in Art, Architecture and Design, ed. Philip Goad, Ann Stephen, Andrew McNamara, Harriet Enquist, Isabel Wünsche, Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2019, pp. 76-87.
Isabel Wünsche, “The Evolution of Abstract Painting: Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack’s Coloured Light Plays,” The Structurist, 51/52 (2018-2019): 87-98.
Isabel Wünsche, “Terra incognita? Die erste australische Bauhaus-Ausstellung 1961 in Melbourne,” in Bauhaus ausstellen, ed. Franziska Bomski, Hellmut Th. Seemann, Thorsten Valk, Göttingen: Wallensteinverlag 2019, pp. 219-238.
Isabel Wünsche, “‘Der Absolute Film’-Matinee der Novembergruppe und Ludwig Hirschfeld-Macks Reflektorische Farbenspiele,” in Novembergruppe 1918: Studien zu einer interdisziplinären Kunst für die Weimarer Republik, ed. Nils Grosch, Münster: Waxmann, 2018, pp. 169-180.
Andrew McNamara, Ann Stephen, Isabel Wünsche, “Refugees and émigrés to Australia, 1930-1950: Three cases of light, colour and material studies in the Antipodes under the shadow of fascism and war,” in Migration Processes and Artistic Practices in Wartime, Lisbon: Artistic Studies Research Centre (CIEBA), Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, 2018, pp. 271-289.
Isabel Wünsche, “Natural Phenomena and Universal Laws: The Organic School of the Russian Avant-garde,” in Natural-Unnatural: Organicity and the Avant-garde, ed. Paulina Kurc-Maj, Aleksandra Jach, exh. cat., Lodz: Museum Sztuki, 2017, pp. 185-206.
Isabel Wünsche, “From Vorkurs to vertikale Brigaden: Visual Arts Education at the Bauhaus,” in Bauhaus – Networking Ideas and Practice (BAUNET), exh. cat., Zagreb: Museum of Contemporary Art, 2015, pp. 60-79.
Isabel Wünsche, “Der Sturm und Die Abstrakten – Internationale Vereinigung der Expressionisten, Futuristen, Kubisten und Konstruktivisten e.V,” in Der Sturm: Literatur, Musik, Graphik und die Vernetzung in der Zeit des Expressionismus, ed. Henriette Herwig and Andrea von Hülsen-Esch, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015, pp. 356-375.
Advisory Boards:
International Editorial Advisory Board of the Academic Review “Menotyra”, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2016-2021
International Board of the Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia, 2013-2018
International Editorial Advisory Board of the Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, 2011-2013
Reviewer, Fellowship Program, National Humanities Center, North Carolina, USA, since 2011
International Board of the journal Germanoslavia, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, since 2008
Organization of Conferences and Workshops (Selection):
International Symposium Expressionism Revisited, Brücke-Museum Berlin, June 2023 (with Lisa Marei Schmidt, Meike Hoffmann, Andrea Meyer, Aya Soika)
International Conference, 100 Years of German-Russian Cultural Exchange: The First Russian Art Exhibition, Staatsbibliothek Berlin, October 2021 (with Miriam Leimer)
Workshop, Abstraction and Figuration, and other Modernist Themes, Department of Art History, University of Turku, May 2018 (with Tutta Palin)
International Workshop, Peripheral Expressionisms: Artistic Networks and Cultural Exchange between Germany and its Eastern Neighbors in the Context of the European Avant-garde, Jacobs University, Bremen, December 2015
International Symposium, Collaborative Artist Networks in the Twentieth Century and Beyond, Jacobs University, Bremen, July 2015
International Workshop, Digital Abstraction at the Interface between Electronic Media Arts and Data Visualization, Jacobs University, Bremen, May 2015 (with Birgit Mersmann)
International Conference, Grenzüberschreitungen: Marianne Werefkin und die kosmopolitischen Künstlerinnen in ihrem Umfeld / Crossing Borders: Marianne Werefkin and the Cosmopolitan Women Artists in her Circle, Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum, Bremen, September 2014 (with Tanja Malycheva)
International Workshop, Avant-Garde Networks and Cultural Exchange between Germany and its Eastern Neighbors, 1910-1930, Jacobs University, Bremen, October 2013
International Conference, 100 Years of Abstract Art: Theory and Practice, Jacobs University, Bremen, May 2013
International Symposium, The Lives of Form: Abstract Art and Nature, Jacobs University, Bremen, August 2009 (with Paul Crowther)
Symposium, Art before and after Ideology, National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, NC, April 2008 (with Nina Gourianova, Chicago)
Symposium, Nähe & Ferne: Der Beitrag der russischen Kunst zur europäischen Moderne [Near and Far: The Contribution of Russian Art to European Modernism], International University Bremen, Germany, August 2006 (with Ada Raev, Berlin)
International Conference, Art and Metaphysics in the Twentieth Century and Beyond, International University Bremen, Germany, May 2006 (with Paul Crowther and Ursula Frohne)
Workshops of the Russian Art & Culture Group:
“What Is to Be Done – Now? Discussions of Scholarship on So-called ‘Russian’ Art and Culture,” 10th Workshop of the Russian Art & Culture Group, Constructor University, Bremen, September 2024 (with Sebastian Borkhardt, Ludmila Piters-Hofmann, Irina Riznychok, Georgi Sokolov)
“Methods Workshop,” 9th Workshop of the Russian Art & Culture Group, Constructor University, Bremen, September 2023
“The Problem of Religious Art in Modernity: Uses and Abuses of the Icon in Russia,” 8th Workshop of the Russian Art & Culture Group, Institute of Human Sciences, Vienna, October 2020 (with Clemena Antonova and Ludmila Piters-Hofmann)
“What is to be Done? – Discussions in Russian Art Theory and Criticism II,” 7th Workshop of the Russian Art & Culture Group, Jacobs University, Bremen, September 2019 (with Miriam Leimer and Ludmila Piters-Hofmann)
“What is to be Done? – Discussions in Russian Art Theory and Criticism I,” 6th Workshop of the Russian Art & Culture Group, Jacobs University, Bremen, September 2018 (with Tanja Malycheva and Ludmila Piters-Hofmann)
“Russian Art on the Rise / Russische Kunst im Aufbruch,” 5th Workshop of the Russian Art & Culture Group, Jacobs University Bremen / Freie Universität Berlin, September 2017 (with Ludmila Piters-Hofmann and Viktoria Schindler)
“Intersections of Art, Science, and Technology in Soviet Film and Culture,” 4th Workshop of the Russian Art & Culture Group, Jacobs University, Bremen, September 2016 (with Hanin Hannouch)
“Russian Art: Building Bridges between East and West. In Memoriam Dmitry Sarabyanov,” 3rd Workshop of the Russian Art & Culture Group, Jacobs University, Bremen, November 2015 (with Sebastian Borkhardt and Tanja Malycheva)
“Russian Art: Changing Perceptions,” 2nd Workshop of the Russian Art & Culture Group, Jacobs University, Bremen, June 2015 (with Tanja Malycheva und Rebecca Wichmann)
“Russian Art: Graduate Workshop,” 1st Workshop of the Russian Art & Culture Group, Jacobs University, Bremen, March 2014
Supervision of PhD Dissertations:
Georgi Sokolov, A Field of Tension: The Genesis of Leningrad Nonconformist Art, chair, begun 2023
Natasha Fedorenko, The Soviet Unofficial Artist between Thaw and Stagnation: Negotiating an Identity between the State, the Underground Scene, and Everyday Life, second supervisor, begun 2023
Marat Ismagilov, The Society for the Encouragement of Artists: Between the State and the Public Sphere, 1820- 1870, second supervisor, begun 2022
Federike Buda, “Freundeskreis Reichsführer SS“ – economic and political networking and National Socialism, second supervisor, begun 2021
Miriam Leimer: Zwischen künstlerischer Forderung und politischer Inanspruchnahme. Die “Erste Russische Kunstausstellung” 1922 in Berlin, University of Hamburg, external supervisor, completed in November 2023
Ludmila Piters-Hofmann, National Art in the Context of Cosmopolitan Cultural Transfer: Folk Tales in the Work of Viktor Vasnetsov (1848-1926), chair, completed in October 2023
Stefanie Bräuer: Oszillografie in der Medienkunst, University of Basle, external supervisor, completed in December 2021
Lisa Hörstmann, Der südafrikanische Siedlerprimitivismus zwischen 1920 und 1970, Freie Universität Berlin, external reviewer, completed in November 2021
Veronica Bremer: The Second Wave of Bauhaus Artists: The Collings Duo and the Two Richards in Australia, chair, completed in June 2021
Ela Krieger: Repetition and Mediality in the Work of Jasper Johns, chair, completed in June 2019
Nina Blum de Almeida: Hein Semke (1899-1995) – A German Artist in Portugal, chair, completed in December 2018
Tanja Malycheva: Das Porträtschaffen von Valentin Serov im gesamteuropäischen Kontext, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, external reviewer, completed in July 2018
Hanin Hannouch: Sergei Eisenstein as Art Historian, IMT Lucca, Institute For Advanced Studies, external supervisor, completed in December 2017
Kirill Chunikhin: The Representation of American Visual Art in the USSR during the Cold War (1950s to the late 1960s), chair, completed in June 2016
Judith Rozner, Alberto Burri: The Art of the Matter, University of Melbourne, external reviewer, completed in May 2015
Sophie Gerlach: Neo Rauch – A German Painter within German Traditions?, second reviewer, completed in September 2009
Laura Petican: The Persistence of a Baroque Mentality in Arte Povera, chair, completed in August 2009
Isabelle Schwarz: The Artistic Concept of the European Archives for Artists’ Publications, chair and second supervisor, completed in May 2006