Prof. Dr. Ivan B. Penkov
Representations of finite and infinite dimensional Lie algebras, generalized Harish-Chandra modules, representations of Lie superalgebras and Lie supergroups, geometry of supermanifolds, homogeneous superspaces, super D-modules, homogeneous ind-spaces and geometry of ind-varieties.
In our group, we research three interconnected core areas in pure mathematics. For the last three decades, Prof. Ivan Penkov has had a broad research programme in Lie theory, algebra, and geometry. He and his research group are working in close collaboration with research groups in the United States at Yale University; the University of California, Berkeley; the University of Texas in Arlington; and the University of Buffalo. Penkov’s research group maintains close working contacts with the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics in Bonn, as well as with the University of Hamburg, the University of Cologne, and the Ruhr University in Bochum. His research has been funded continuously by multiple DFG projects for the last 15 years.
June 1982, Master Degree in Mathematics, Moscow State University. Thesis: The inverse Penrose transform
Oct. 1987, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Ph.D.), Steklov Mathematical Institute. Thesis: Typical modules over classical Lie superalgebras and their geometric realization
Bounded weight modules for basic classical Lie superalgebras at infinity
Topological semiinfinite tensor (super)modules
On homogeneous spaces for diagonal ind-groups
Topological tensor representations of gl(V) for a space V of countable dimension
Automorphism Groups of ind-Varieties of Generalized Flags
An algebraic–geometric construction of ind-varieties of generalized flags
Finite-Dimensional Lie Algebras
Classical Lie Algebras at Infinity
Generalized Harish-Chandra Modules
Universal Tensor Categories Generated by Dual Pairs
Integrable bounded weight modules of classical Lie superalgebras at infinity
Automorphism groups of ind-varieties of generalized flags
1991--2006: Founding coorganizer of the California Lie Theory Program, a cooperation program in Lie Theory between the campuses of the University of California.
2004-- : Coorganizer of the Program ”Darstellungstheorie, Transformationsgruppen und Mathematische Physik Eof the consortium of six universities: Jacobs University Bremen, University of Bochum, University of Erlangen, University of Hamburg, University of Koeln, and University of Paderborn.
2005: Coorganizer of the conference in honor of Yu. I. Manin at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, February 2005.
2005: Coorganizer of the International Conference in Honor of R.O. Wells, Jr., Jacobs University Bremen (formerly IUB), December 1-2, 2005.
2010: Coorganizer of the International Conference in "Infinite-dimensional Lie Algebras" in Newfoundland, Canada
2011: Coorganizer of the conference "Lie Groups" in honor of J.A. Wolf, Bochum, Germany
2012: Coorganizer of the German-Israeli workshop "Symplectic Geometry with applications to Representation Theory" at Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany
2012: Organizer of the meeting "7 1/2" in honor of Yu. I. Manin at IHES, Bures sur Yvette, France
2013: Organizer of a conference in honor of V. Tsanov, Sofia, Bulgaria.
2014: Coorganizer of the annual meeting in Soltau of the priority program ``SPP 1388 Darstellungstheorie''.
2014: Coorganizer of the meeting ``Hodge theory and unitary representations of reductive Lie groups'', Jacobs University Bremen.
2015: Coorganizer of the meeting ``Groups and Rings Theory and Applications'', July 15-22, Sofia, Bulgaria.
2019: Coorganizer of the meeting `` Perspectives on representations of semisimple Lie algebras: A workshop in honor of Gregg Zuckerman on the occasion of his 70th birthday'', May 22-24, Bochum, Germany.