Dr. Ivan Ovsyannikov, University Lecturer in Mathematics

Dr. Ivan Ovsyannikov

Lecturer in Mathematics
School of Science
Constructor University Bremen gGmbH
Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
Phone number
+49 421 200 - 3517
Fax number
+49 421 200 - 3103
Email Address
Research I, Room 130
Selected Publications

Three-dimensional Hénon-like maps and wild Lorenz-like attractors

SV Gonchenko, II Ovsyannikov, C Simó, D Turaev

International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 15 (11), 3493-3508

Chaotic dynamics of three-dimensional H\'enon maps that originate from a homoclinic bifurcation

SV Gonchenko, JD Meiss, II Ovsyannikov

arXiv preprint nlin/0510061

Examples of Lorenz-like attractors in Hénon-like maps

SV Gonchenko, AS Gonchenko, II Ovsyannikov, DV Turaev

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 8 (5), 48-70

Analytic proof of the existence of the Lorenz attractor in the extended Lorenz model

II Ovsyannikov, DV Turaev

Nonlinearity 30 (1), 115

Birth of discrete Lorenz attractors at the bifurcations of 3D maps with homoclinic tangencies to saddle points

SV Gonchenko, II Ovsyannikov, JC Tatjer

Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 19, 495-505

On global bifurcations of three-dimensional diffeomorphisms leading to Lorenz-like attractors

SV Gonchenko, II Ovsyannikov

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 8 (5), 71-83

Homoclinic tangencies to resonant saddles and discrete Lorenz attractors

SV Gonchenko, II Ovsyannikov

arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.00264

On bifurcations of three-dimensional diffeomorphisms with a non-transversal heteroclinic cycle containing saddle-foci

SV Gonchenko, II Ovsyannikov

Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics 6 (1), 61-77

On the effect of invisibility of stable periodic orbits at homoclinic bifurcations

SV Gonchenko, II Ovsyannikov, D Turaev

Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 241 (13), 1115-1122

Bifurcations of cubic homoclinic tangencies in two-dimensional symplectic maps

M Gonchenko, S Gonchenko, I Ovsyannikov

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 12 (1), 41-61

On bifurcations of three-dimensional diffeomorphisms with a homoclinic tangency to a “neutral” saddle fixed point

VS Gonchenko, II Ovsyannikov

Записки научных семинаров ПОМИ 300 (0), 167-172

On bifurcations of multidimensional diffeomorphisms having a homoclinic tangency to a saddle-node

SV Gonchenko, OV Gordeeva, VI Lukyanov, II Ovsyannikov

Regular and chaotic dynamics 19, 461-473

Lorenz-like attractors in three-dimensional Hénon maps

AS Gonchenko, SV Gonchenko, II Ovsyannikov, D Turaev

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

On bifurcations of three-dimensional diffeomorphisms with a homoclinic tangency to a “neutral” saddle fixed point

VS Gonchenko, II Ovsyannikov

Journal of Mathematical Sciences 128, 2774-2777

Inhomogeneous domain walls in spintronic nanowires

L Siemer, I Ovsyannikov, JDM Rademacher

Nonlinearity 33 (6), 2905

On local and global aspects of the 1: 4 resonance in the conservative cubic Hénon maps

M Gonchenko, SV Gonchenko, I Ovsyannikov, A Vieiro

Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 28 (4)

Time averages and periodic attractors at high Rayleigh number for Lorenz-like models

I Ovsyannikov, JDM Rademacher, R Welter, B Lu

Journal of Nonlinear Science 33 (5), 73

Global and local bifurcations, three-dimensional Henon maps and discrete Lorenz attractors

I Ovsyannikov

arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.01262

On stability of the Chaplygin ball motion on a plane with an arbitrary friction law

II Ovsyannikov

Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp'yuternye Nauki …

On the Birth of Discrete Lorenz Attractors Under Bifurcations of 3D Maps with Nontransversal Heteroclinic Cycles

II Ovsyannikov

Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 27 (2), 217-231



Publications on Scopus
Ovsyannikov, I. RademacherD, J.D.M. Welter, R. Lu, B.-Y.
Journal of Nonlinear Science 2023 33 (5)
University Education

State University of Nizhni Novgorod named after N.I. Lobachevsky (UNN)

PhD, Dynamical Systems


State University of Nizhni Novgorod named after N.I. Lobachevsky (UNN)

MSc, Radiophysics

1997 - 2003

Work Experience

Research Associate at University of Bremen

Research Associate at University of Hamburg

Lecturer at Jacobs University Bremen

Research Fellow at Imperial College London

Software Engineer at MERA

Teaching Assistant at The Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod - International