Dr. Julia Timpe
Constructor University Bremen gGmbH
Res. IV | Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen
Office Hours for Students:
Wednesdays & Thursdays, 11.20 am – 12.20 pm in Res. I, room 102 (no appointment needed)
My research encompasses the history of modern Europe and especially modern Germany, with a particular focus on the history of Nazi Germany, World War II and the Holocaust, Digital History, and the History of the Everyday.
Brown University, Providence, USA
PhD in History, 2013 (Thesis “Hitler’s Happy People: Kraft durch Freude’s Everyday Production of Joy in the Third Reich; Supervisor: Omer Bartov)
MA in History, 2007
Graduate Studies in German Studies (Exchange Student), 2004–2006
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Undergraduate and Graduate Studies (Magister Artium Program), 2001–2006 (Major: Modern and Contemporary History; Minors: European Ethnology and Modern German Literature)
Leibniz Kolleg, Tübingen, Germany
Studium Generale, 2000–2001 (Competitive one-year general studies program of interdisciplinary and propaedeutic training with an emphasis on humanities/social sciences.)
Constructor University, Germany
Distinguished Lecturer in History, September 2023 to present
Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
University Lecturer in Contemporary History, September 2016 to August 2023
Universität Bremen, Germany
Universitätslektor, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft, September 2013–August 2016
Harvard University, USA
College Fellow/Lecturer on History, History Department, August 2012–June 2013
Brown University, USA
Instructor, Pre-College Summer Program, 2009–2013