
Prof. Dr. Yilmaz Uygun

Professor of Logistics Engineering, Technologies, and Processes
Chair of the MSc Program Supply Chain Management (SCM)
School of Business, Social & Decision Sciences
Constructor University Bremen gGmbH
Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
Phone number
+49 421 200-3478
Fax number
+49 421 200-49 3478
Email Address
South Hall, Office 124 A
Research Interests
  • Data-driven analysis and algorithmic optimization of logistics and supply chain processes (production planning & sequencing)
  • Anticipatory inventory planning in highly volatile environments based on machine learning
  • Additive Manufacturing and design and development of large-scale 3D printers
  • Design and development of vertical axis wind turbines
  • Discrete-event, agent-based and system dynamics modeling and simulation
University Education
  • 2013: PhD, University of Duisburg-Essen
  • 2012: PhD, Dortmund University of Technology
  • 2007: MEng Logistics Engineering, University of Duisburg-Essen
  • 2006: MSc Logistics Management, University of Duisburg-Essen
  • 2004: BA European Studies in Technology and Management, FH Südwestfalen
Fellowships and Awards
  • Fellow at Mercator Foundation: Turkey-Europe Future Forum
Funded Projects
  • 2023-2025: Wind-EnergieAutarke Schulen in der Metropolregion Nordwest (funded by Metropolregion Nordwest)
  • 2023-2024: Adaptive Safety Stock Calculation Method for ERP Systems (industry-sponsored)
  • 2022-2023: Scenario-based Sustainability Analysis for Alternative Materials in License Plate Manufacturing (industry-sponsored)
  • 2022-2023: HoneyComb 3D - Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing (funded by BMWI)
  • 2021-2022: Data-driven Anticipatory Quality and Defect Management to Minimize Rework in the Automotive Industry (funded by Bremer Aufbau-Bank)
  • 2020-2023: 3D Printer for Spare Parts Logistics (funded by Kieserling-Foundation)
  • 2020-2022: Intelligent Scheduling in Steel Manufacturing (industry-sponsored)
  • 2018-2019: Model-based Process Optmization in Inland Ports (industry-sponsored)
  • 2017-2020: Dynamic Optimization Models in Steel Making (industry-sponsored)
  • 2017-2020: Supplier Network Analysis in the Automotive Supplier Industry (industry-sponsored)
Selected Publications


  • Uygun, Y. & Niyayesh, M.: Growth Trap of Public Freight Villages in Europe – A System Dynamics Analysis. In: Cogent Business & Management. Taylor & Francis. Open Access. 
  • Lyutov, A., Uygun, Y., Hütt, M.-T. (2022): Local topological features of robust supply networks. In: Applied Network Science. Volume 7, Issue 33. Springer Nature. Open Access.
  • Uygun, Y., Schupp, F., Gotsadze, N., Gzirishvili, L., Tindjou, S. (2022): A Holistic Model for Understanding the Dynamics of Outsourcing. In: International Journal of Production Research. Taylor & Francis. Open Access. 
  • Uygun, Y. & Rustemaj, A. (2022): Calculation Methods for Milk-Runs in Manufacturing - A Comparative Analysis of Ant Colony Optimization and Mixed-Integer Programming. In: International Journal of Advanced Operations Management. Volume 14, Issue 2. Inderscience. 
  • Merten, D., Hütt, M.-T. & Uygun, Y. (2022): A network analysis of decision strategies of human experts in steel manufacturing. In: Computers & Industrial Engineering. Volume 168. Elsevier. Open Access. 
  • Merten, D., Hütt, M.-T., Uygun, Y. (2022): On the Effect of the Slab Width on the Choice of the Appropriate Casting Speed in Steel Production. In: Journal of Iron and Steel Research International. Ganglie Yanjiu Xuebao. Volume 29, pp. 71-79.
  • Uygun, Y. & Ahsan, J. (2021): Model-based Criticality Index of the Railway Network of the Belt and Road Initiative – A Multi-Method Simulation Study. In: Cogent Business & Management. Taylor & Francis. Open Access.
  • Lyutov, A., Uygun, Y. & Hütt, M.-T. (2020): Machine learning misclassification of academic publications reveals non-trivial interdependencies of scientific disciplines. In: Scientometrics. Springer Nature. Open Access.
  • Özgür, A., Uygun, Y. & Hütt, M.-T. (2020): A review of planning and scheduling methods for hot rolling mills in steel production. In: Computers & Industrial Engineering. Elsevier. 
  • Uygun, Y. & Jafri, A. (2020): Controlling Risks in Sea Transportation of Cocoa Beans. In: Cogent Business & Management. Taylor & Francis. Open Access. Vol. 7, No. 1. 
  • Lyutov, A., Uygun, Y. & Hütt, M.-T. (2019): Managing workflow of customer requirements using machine learning. In: Computers in Industry. Volume 109, pp. 215-225. Elsevier. 
  • Reynolds, E.B. & Uygun Y. (2017): Strengthening Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Ecosystems: The Case of Massachusetts. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change – An International Journal. Elsevier. 
  • Güller, M., Karakaya, E., Uygun, Y. & Hegmanns, T. (2017): Simulation-based Performance Evaluation of the Cellular Transport System. In: Journal of Simulation, pp. 1-14. Taylor & Francis.
  • Güller, M., Uygun, Y. & Noche, B. (2015): Simulation-based Optimization for a Capacitated Multi-Echelon Production-Inventory System. In: Journal of Simulation. Vol. 9 No. 4., pp. 325-336. Taylor & Francis.  
  • Besenfelder, C., Kaczmarek & Uygun, Y. (2013): Process-based Cooperation Support for Complementary Outtasking in Production Networks of SME. In: International Journal of Integrated Supply Management. Vol. 8, Nos. 1/2/3, pp. 121-137. Inderscience. 

Books & Chapters

  • Industry 4.0: Principles, Effects and Challenges. Y. Uygun (Ed.). Nova Science: Hauppauge, NY. ISBN: 978-1-53618-423-5.
  • Entwicklung eines Diagnosesystems für Ganzheitliche Produktionssysteme. Dissertation. Shaker Verlag: Aachen, 2013. ISBN: 978-3-8440-2117-2
  • Integrierte Kapazitätsbörse. Dissertation. Verlag Praxiswissen: Dortmund, 2012. ISBN: 978-3-86975-063-7
  • Trusted-RFID. G. Schuh & V. Stich (Eds.). Klinkenberg Verlag: Aachen, 2009. (w/ M. Auerbach, B. Hellmeier, R. Christova, & P. Wülfing). ISBN: 978-3-934318-92-2
  • Sommerfeld, D. & Uygun, Y. (2020): Digitalization Applications in the Automotive Value Chain – Summary and Outlook. In: Industry 4.0: Principles, Effects and Challenges. Y. Uygun (Ed.). Nova Science: Hauppauge, NY, pp. 219-245.
  • Nosheen, S. & Uygun, Y. (2020): The Effects of Industry 4.0 on Employment – How Reliable are the Current Jobs Reports? In: Industry 4.0: Principles, Effects and Challenges. Y. Uygun (Ed.). Nova Science: Hauppauge, NY, pp. 133-157.
  • Uygun, Y. (2020): The Current State of Research & Application of Industry 4.0 in Germany. In: Industry 4.0: Principles, Effects and Challenges. Y. Uygun (Ed.). Nova Science: Hauppauge, NY, pp. 3-15. 
  • Uygun, Y. & Ilie, M. (2017): Autonomous Manufacturing-related Procurement in the Era of Industry 4.0: In: F. Schupp & H. Wöhner (Eds.): Digitalisierung im Einkauf. Springer: Berlin, pp. 81-97.
  • Uygun, Y. & Reynolds, E.B. (2016): Advanced Manufacturing Ecosystems. In: C. Brecher & S. Jeschke (Eds.): Industrial Internet of Things - Cybermanufacturing Systems. Springer: Berlin, pp. 691-715.
  • Uygun, Y., Ringeln, M. & Straub, N. (2015): Pull-Prinzip. In: U. Dombrowski & T.Mielke (Eds.): Ganzheitliche Produktionssysteme – Aktueller Stand und zukünftige Entwicklungen. Springer: Berlin, pp. 110-128.
  • Mevenkamp, A., Uygun, Y. & Straub, N. (2015): Ganzheitliche Produktionssysteme in der Pharma-Industrie. In: U. Dombrowski & T.Mielke (Eds.): Ganzheitliche Produktionssysteme – Aktueller Stand und zukünftige Entwicklungen. Springer: Berlin, pp. 269-284. 
  • Besenfelder, C.; Uygun, Y.; Kaczmarek, S. (2013): Service-Oriented Integration of Intercompany Coordination into the Tactical Production Planning Process. In: K. Windt (Ed.): Robust Manufacturing Control - Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Springer: Berlin & Heidelberg, pp. 301-314.
  • Uygun, Y. (2012): Ein praxisorientierter Leitfaden zur Verschlankung der Produktion – Die VDI-Richtlinie 2870. In: D. Spee & J. Beuth (Eds.): Lagerprozesse effizient gestalten - Lean Warehousing in der Praxis erfolgreich umsetzen. Huss Verlag: München, pp. 51-57.
  • Keßler, S. & Uygun, Y. (2010): Nutzenpotenziale des Einsatzes des Dortmunder Prozessketteninstrumentariums in Ganzheitlichen Produktionssystemen. In: U. Clausen & M. ten Hompel (Eds.): Facetten des Prozesskettenparadigmas. Wege zur innovativen Fabrikorganisation - Band 4. Verlag Praxiswissen: Dortmund, pp. 19-40.
  • Uygun, Y. & Luft, N. (2010): Vorgehensmodell zur Maßnahmenselektion - Das Maßnahmenfilter-Modell. In: G. Bandow & H. H. Holzmüller (Eds.): "Das ist gar kein Modell" - Unterschiedliche Modelle und Modellierungen in Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Ingenieurwissenschaften. Gabler: Wiesbaden, pp. 213-232.
  • Jungmann, T. & Uygun, Y. (2010): Das Dortmunder Prozesskettenmodell in der Intralogistik. In: G. Bandow & H. H. Holzmüller (Eds.): "Das ist gar kein Modell" - Unterschiedliche Modelle und Modellierungen in Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Ingenieurwissenschaften. Gabler: Wiesbaden, pp. 357-382.
  • Wötzel, A.; Uygun, Y.; Bandow, G.; Kuhn, A. (2009): Nutzungsabhängige Simulation intralogistischer Systeme. In: B. Künne, W. Tillmann, H.-A. Crostack (Eds.): Logistics on Demand. Verlag Praxiswissen: Dortmund, pp. 143-157.
Publications on Scopus
Niyayesh, M. Uygun, Y.
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2024
Uygun, Y. Özgür, A. Hütt, M.-T.
Engineering Materials 2024 Part F3148 pp. v-vi
Uygun, Y. Mohammadian, N. Un Nisa, M.
Production and Manufacturing Research 2024 12 (1)
Uygun, Y. Hütt, M.-T. Özgür, A. Gulyassy, F. Niyayesh, M.
Engineering Materials 2024 Part F3148 pp. 1-13
Calabaza, S.M. Uygun, Y.
Engineering Materials 2024 Part F3148 pp. 85-102
Merten, D. Hütt, M.-T. Uygun, Y. Özgür, A. Klein, C.-A.
Engineering Materials 2024 Part F3148 pp. 167-187
Niyayesh, M. Valilai, O.F. Uygun, Y.
Engineering Materials 2024 Part F3148 pp. 15-35
Merten, D.C. Hütt, M.-T. Uygun, Y. Özgür, A. Klein, C.A.
Engineering Materials 2024 Part F3148 pp. 125-141
Uygun, Y. Momodu, V.
Production and Manufacturing Research 2024 12 (1)
Mohammadian, N. Salman, S. Uygun, Y. Fatahi Valilai, O.
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering 2024 pp. 999-1010
Niyayesh, M. Fatahi Valilai, O. Uygun, Y.
Lecture Notes in Logistics 2024 Part F2520 pp. 261-269
Mohammadian, N. Raka, N.J. Wanyonyi, M. Uygun, Y. Fatahi Valilai, O.
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering 2024 pp. 149-160
Uygun, Y. Gotsadze, N. Schupp, F. Gzirishvili, L. Tindjou Nana, B.S.
International Journal of Production Research 2023 61 (4) pp. 1202-1232
Uygun, Y. Niyayesh, M.
Cogent Business and Management 2022 9 (1)
Uygun, Y. Rustemaj, A.
International Journal of Advanced Operations Management 2022 14 (2) pp. 167-181
Lyutov, A. Uygun, Y. Hütt, M.-T.
Applied Network Science 2022 7 (1)
Christopher Merten, D. Hütt, M.-T. Uygun, Y.
Computers and Industrial Engineering 2022 168
Merten, D.C. Hütt, M.-T. Uygun, Y.
Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 2022 29 (1) pp. 71-79
Uygun, Y. Ahsan, J.
Cogent Business and Management 2021 8 (1)
Özgür, A. Uygun, Y. Hütt, M.-T.
Computers and Industrial Engineering 2021 151
Uygun, Y. Jafri, S.A.I.
Cogent Business and Management 2020 7 (1)
Lyutov, A. Uygun, Y. Hütt, M.-T.
Computers in Industry 2019 109 pp. 215-225
Reynolds, E.B. Uygun, Y.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2018 136 pp. 178-191
Other Professional Activities
  • Member of VDI-Richtlinie 2871 "Lean Leadership", Verein Deutscher Ingenieure
  • Member of VDI-Richtlinie 2870 "Ganzheitliche Produktionssysteme", Verein Deutscher Ingenieure
  • Reviewer for "Industrie 4.0 Testumgebungen für KMU", BMBF
  • Reviewer for "Deutsch-Tschechische Forschungsvorhaben auf dem Gebiet Industrie 4.0", BMBF
  • Member of Organization Committee "Logistics Dynamics International Conference", Bremen
Work Experience
  • since 2016: Professorship at Jacobs University / Constructor University Bremen
  • 2013-2016: Postdoctoral Fellow at Industrial Performance Center at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 2010-2013: Executive Director (Oberingenieur) of Department of Factory Organization at Dortmund University of Technology
  • 2006-2010: Research Associate at Dortmund University of Technology & Fraunhofer Institute of Material Flow and Logistics