Up-and-coming scientists from Jacobs University invited to Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings

Jacobs Alumnus Arijit Ghosh has been invited to the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting on Economics. Corona conditionally, it has been postponed. From left to right: Prof. Oliver Berthod, Arijit Ghosh, Prof. Adalbert Wilhelm. (Source: private) ,


June 22, 2020

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings serve as a forum for scientific exchange between different generations, cultures and disciplines. The participation would have been very special moments in the young scientific careers of recently graduated Dr. Debkumar Rana and Jacobs alumnus Arijit Ghosh. However, this highlight will have to wait until 2021. Both, the 70th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings and the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences have been postponed: because of the coronavirus.

Of course, Rana was delighted when he was asked to participate. When do you ever get the chance to exchange ideas with the most outstanding scientists in the world? But then he was informed on the cancellation – because of the coronavirus the meeting has been postponed. "I’m looking forward to participating next year," says Rana.

, Invitation to the postponed Nobel Laureate Meetings in Lindau: Recently graduated Dr. Rana Debkumar (right) has been conducting research at Jacobs University since 2017 in the research group of Prof. Arnulf Materny (left). (Source: Jacobs University)

Whether Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland will also be present at the meeting is not yet certain. The laser researcher from France and his colleague from Canada won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics. They invented a technique for generating intense ultrashort laser pulses, which Rana is now working with. Rana uses this technique for the research on organic semiconductors, also called "plastic electronics". Similar to a newspaper, these electronic components can be printed, they are inexpensive and are among other applications used in solar cells. With the help of laser impulses, Rana is investigating the dynamics of energy transport. He is doing research on a second class of substances, known as ionic liquids. These are salts that are liquid at room temperature. They are used in batteries or in solar cells combined with dyes. Their structure has a decisive influence on how energy is transported.

The young scientist, who received his doctorate “with distinction” on 5th of June, has been conducting research at Jacobs University since 2017 in the research group of Arnulf Materny, Professor of Chemical Physics and specialist in investigating molecular properties and processes using lasers. Prior to this, Rana completed his Master's degree at the renowned Indian Institute of Technology in the state of Dhanbad.

Jacobs Alumnus Arijit Ghosh also has a promising scientific career ahead of him. Just last year he completed his Bachelor's degree in Global Economics and Management at Jacobs University. Now he has also been invited to Lake Constance: to the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences. Since 2004, this meeting has been held every three years. Ghosh is currently in the economics graduate program at the University of Cologne. In addition to this, he is a research assistant at the RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research in Essen. Currently, he is focusing on two core research areas: "I am working on problems concerning economic geography, especially individuals’ housing preferences and public land-cover and land-use policies. Furthermore, I am doing research on problems concerning institutional economics. I’m particularly interested in the incentive structures for domestic and foreign firms, governments, and international organizations to promote or hinder institutional upgrades in low and middle income countries”, he explains. “I am also interested in identity-based decision making among individuals."

Olivier Berthod, Professor of Organisation and Management, is enthusiastic about the success of his former mentee: "This is a fantastic example of what you can reach when you undertake undergraduate studies in our programs in economics and business. At Jacobs, Ghosh seized all opportunities for academic growth.”

The education in economics at Jacobs University is excellent. This was the conclusion of the latest ranking by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE). This year’s ranking examined business subjects in detail. Jacobs University received particularly good marks for its support at the beginning of their studies: almost all economics students complete their studies within the standard period of study. Just like Arijit Ghosh. "We expect him to continue to excel in the academic field," says Berthod.

Ghosh and Rana can already be proud of their achievements: both have qualified as outstanding candidates to attend the Nobel Laureate Meetings in Lindau and will participate next year. Postponed is not abandoned.