Constructor University strengthens partnerships in Tanzania

Constructor University strengthens partnerships in Tanzania
On their recent visit to Tanzania, a delegation from Constructor University, Bremen, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (Source: Constructor University)

On their recent visit to Tanzania, a delegation from Constructor University, Bremen, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The context of the visit was the EU-funded Erasmus+ YouthTeamUp project, a shared effort of institutions across Tanzania, Zambia, Italy and Germany to strengthen knowledge and improve local living conditions through practical Global Impact Projects (GIPs). 
In January 2024, a group from Constructor University, including researchers Dr. Omid Fatahi Valilai, Prof. Dr. Francesco Maurelli, Managing Director Maja Feldt and Research Project Manager Jan Klaassen visited Tanzania to further cooperation with local partners, in particular the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Tanzania’s oldest and largest public university. The delegation met with UDSM’s Vice Chancellor Professor William-Andey Lazaro Anangisye and his team to sign a Memorandum of Understanding outlining potential shared ventures in the areas of research and innovation, education and teaching, and student and staff exchanges.  
The YouthTeamUp project, developed by Dr. Omid Fatahi Valilai and his team, enables young people to realize Global Impact Projects (GIPs) with the help of virtual exchanges. “Together with our partners at UDSM we are providing a virtual exchange platform for young minds from both Africa and Europe to tackle the big challenges facing our societies, guided by the UN’s Sustainable Development goals,” said Fatahi Valilai.  
Throughout the course of their four-day visit, members of the delegation also met with local stakeholders such as the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) and successful start-ups to engage more youths and support the sustainability of the GIPs with entrepreneurial aspects. 
“Fostering a strong international network is part of Constructor University’s commitment to excellence and diversity in education and research,” said Feldt, “so, we are thrilled to strengthen our partnerships in Africa through this collaboration.” The university is constantly working on expanding this network – recently, it also signed an MoU with Roots Millenium Education Group Pakistan.

Project contact person: 
Dr. Omid Fatahi Valilai | University Distinguished Lecturer in Industrial Engineering | Tel.: +49 421 200-3077

Media Contacts
Rebecca Knecht
Corporate Communications
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