Foundation Meeting at Jacobs University



April 11, 2017

For the second time, Jacobs University hosted the Information Day of Stiftungshaus Bremen e.V., an umbrella organization of foundations in Bremen. The organizers led by Gerhard Harder, the President of the foundation organization, could hardly have found a better location. After all, the creation of Jacobs University would have been impossible without the commitment of foundations. “Without doubt, the most prominent example of this is surely the commitment of our founding donor, Klaus Jacobs, whose generosity ensured the continued existence of the university,” emphasized Matthias Kramer, Head of Business Operations at Jacobs University.

At the meeting, topics like project financing in the face of negative interest played an important role. Thorsten Armerding of the Hansa-Flex Foundation and its stipend recipient Doygu Budancamanak explained to those present how specific support can be provided for scholarships for young people. At a small exhibit in the foyer, those in attendance were able to get information about the students’ diverse areas of social engagement.