Future Day 2022 at Jacobs University

In one of the practical workshops on Future Day, the students made paint from flower petals. ,


May 3, 2022

"Definitely better than school!" - that is the conclusion of the five boys and seven girls who attended the Future Day at Jacobs University Bremen on April 28. As part of the meerMINT initiative, the students from grades 7 - 9 were given theoretical and practical insights into the study of STEM subjects, i.e. science, technology, engineering and mathematics, at Dock Nord.

At the introductory event, the students first asked questions about studying at Jacobs University and then took a tour of the campus in Bremen. Afterwards, the group split up to participate in practical workshops.

Ana and Irina, two Jacobs University students of biochemistry, had the students make natural paint from flowers and plants and paint with it. To do this, they mixed flower petals with acetone and water and crushed them with a mortar. "The yellow from the daffodils turned out really well, other colors were rather light and watery," said one participant. After about 45 minutes, the groups switched to the other workshop.

Computer science student Chris used celebrities from the technology industry to promote his course of study and promised the students good salary prospects. Then he explained to them how to program an alarm on a microcontroller. "I had no idea about programming, but it was really fun," one participant said happily, and another added: "At first I had difficulties, but Chris explained everything again and then it worked."

The nationwide Future Day provides students with insights into various occupational fields and is intended to give them ideas for their professional orientation.

About meerMINT:
MeerMINT is one of 22 educational clusters currently funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The idea behind the cluster is to enable children & young people at four locations - the so-called MINT-Docks in Bremen and Bremerhaven - to participate in leisure activities in the MINT field.
Dock Nord is located on the campus of Jacobs University. Here, the international students provide fascinating insights into their fields of study.
For more information: www.meermint.de