How much has the coronavirus changed our everyday life? Participants wanted for scientific online survey



June 3, 2020

Wearing a face mask, washing your hands frequently, sufficient physical distance to other people, working remotely – the corona pandemic and the hygiene and distance policies that come with it, have a major impact on our everyday life. How far-reaching are these changes? A team of researchers at Jacobs University Bremen aims to find answers through a scientifically based online survey.

"The more people participate in the survey, the more reliable the results will be. It would therefore be very helpful if as many people as possible could participate," says Sonia Lippke, Professor of Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine at Jacobs University. The survey takes up to 15 minutes.

During this time, many people experience limitations but also advantages. Some people report that they have more time with their family or flat mates. They also share that they have time to think about topics for which there was no room under normal circumstances. But at the same time, many people experience that digitization and distance rules make the usual physical activity routines more difficult, and that communication and their mood changes. "Even if we do not see any changes at the population level, for example, in perceived loneliness, many people report that they are missing something in their interaction with each other. The question now is whether all citizens feel the same”, Prof. Lippke adds.

The survey can be found here:

Only recently, Prof. Lippke, together with colleagues from the research project "Fit in the Northwest", had compiled tips, tricks and strategies for a healthy lifestyle during corona times. Sufficient exercise, a balanced diet and a zest for life not only promote long-term health, they also actively protect against infectious diseases such as COVID-19. The article written in German, includes numerous tips on how to build up healthy habits right now. It was published on a site initiated by the German Psychological Society (DGPs) and the Association of University Training Courses in Psychotherapy.

The article can be found here:

Questions are answered by:
Prof. Dr. Sonia Lippke
Email: s.lippke [at]