Introducing New Professors at Jacobs University

(Source: Jacobs University) ,

October 13, 2022

They come from different disciplines, but they are united by their passion for data analysis: Jacobs University Bremen introduced three new professors at the beginning of the new academic year on September 1st 2022. Jan Lorenz, Professor of Social Data Science and Andreas Seebeck, Professor of Global Economics and Management are both Bremen residents who have long been associated with the international university. The trio is completed by Amr Alanwar, Professor of Computer Science.

, Prof. Dr. Jan Lorenz, Professor of Social Data Science (Quelle: Jan Lorenz)

In his doctoral studies at the University of Bremen, mathematician Jan Lorenz was already working on the modeling and simulation of opinion dynamics in social processes. Today, he is particularly interested in data-oriented social science, especially the design of electoral systems. For example, he analyzed Bremen's 5-vote electoral system as part of his habilitation thesis. At Jacobs University, Lorenz has been active in various research projects and as a lecturer since 2012. What does he appreciate most about the university? "I like the openness, flexibility, and creativity of the people who work at Jacobs University," Lorenz answered.

, Prof. Dr. Andreas Seebeck, Professor of Global Economics and Management (Source: Jacobs University)

As an external lecturer in finance and accounting for several years at Jacobs University, Andreas Seebeck also knows the institution well. The business economist, who holds a doctorate from the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, deals with topics such as sustainability and diversity in accounting and finance. In his mostly empirical research, he applies innovative data and text mining methods. Seebeck has set out to get students more interested in these topics - and he wants to promote networking with industry and Bremen's other universities. "Jacobs University," he said, "is a place of inspiration for our students, but also for me."

, Prof. Dr. Amr Alanwar, Professor of Computer Science (Source: Amr Alanwar)

Amr Alanwar made his transition to Bremen from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Previously, he completed his PhD at the Technical University of Munich and was a research associate at the Networked & Embedded Systems Lab at the University of California. The Egyptian's special interest lies in privacy and safety of cyber-physical systems, in particular research on providing guarantees using homomorphic encryption and data-driven safety guarantees. What attracts him to Jacobs University is its internationality and he has a clear goal: " I want to establish my own research group and enrich the research at Jacobs University."


Dean Arvid Kappas also presented the latest promotions at the Annual Opening. Karen Smith Stegen, a political scientist who has worked at Jacobs University for a long time, and Yilmaz Uygun, a logistics expert, have been appointed Associate Professors. New Full Professors are molecular biologist Elke Nevoigt and brain researcher Ben Godde.