Invitation to the Christmas Concert “Let It Sing”, Performed by the Jacobs University Choir J-Cappella

The J-Cappella Choir of Jacobs University, under the direction of Rucsandra Popescu, invites you to its traditional Christmas Concert. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. and the show starts at 5:30 p.m. in Conference Hall on the campus in Bremen-Nord. This is the ensemble's first live concert in attendance since the pandemic began nearly two years ago (picture source: Rucsandra Popescu). ,


November 18, 2021
This is a special concert for everyone involved: for the singers, but also for the audience. Over the span of two days, December 4th and 5th, 2021, the J-Cappella Choir of Jacobs University, under the direction of Rucsandra Popescu, invites you to its traditional Christmas Concert. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. and the show starts at 5:30 p.m. in Conference Hall on the campus in Bremen-Nord. This is the ensemble's first live concert in attendance since the pandemic began nearly two years ago.

During that time, the singers of the international choir, led by conductor Rucsandra Popescu, were not deterred by the challenge of taking their passion online. While many around the world turned to the internet to continue connecting with others, Popescu led her choir in Zoom sessions online. They practiced, connected, and retained the vivid spirit of the group while recording songs from home. For various online events during the lockdown, Popescu had the singers record their individual voices and she engineered them into consolidated songs. “We spent days testing a few different approaches and sound editing software before finding the right combination. But it was so rewarding to be able to make music and inspire others during the difficult time,” said Popescu. When allowed, the choir met outdoors, for example to record music videos for the Jacobs University Graduation Ceremony and Winter Reception.

The choir singers are looking forward to their first concert in front of an audience in a long time with corresponding motivation: "We are going into these concerts full of energy and enthusiasm and want to put on an unforgettable performance to get everyone in the holiday spirit," said Ina Vornsand, one of the singers and member of the Choir Board.

J-Cappella is characterized by the cultural and musical diversity of the choir members, with new members joining each fall, and others graduating and therefore leaving the choir each spring. Each semester brings with it an entirely new constellation of singers and musicians, and an entirely new instrument for Popescu to mold. “Jacobs University students bring with them a unique cultural characteristic and passion for performing. The chemistry within the group always develops almost instantaneously. Every background is different, and with that there is a certain vulnerability that the group shares which also brings the singers together,” explained Popescu when describing the group dynamic.

Therefore, in addition to traditional German Christmas carols, of course songs from other cultures will also be performed, and in the Jacobs University fashion, in five different languages.

Interested in getting into the holiday spirit in the Jacobs fashion? Join the J-Cappella Christmas Concert. Admission to the concerts is free. In order to provide for the safest environment, seating will be limited and 3G checks will be conducted. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. and the show starts at 5:30 p.m.

Send your name and ticket reservation to: jacobs-choir-board [at]
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