Jacobs University Bremen mourns Reimar Lüst


April 1st, 2020

He was one of the founding fathers of Jacobs University, without his foresight and dedication the university might have never existed. Jacobs University mourns the passing of Reimar Lüst, who died Tuesday night at the age of 97.

"As Chairman of the Planning Commission and the Founding Supervisory Board, Reimar Lüst shaped the profile of Jacobs University, which was then called International University Bremen. His experience and persuasiveness as a scientist and manager played an integral part in establishing Germany's first international private university based on the Anglo-American model. We remember him with great gratitude. Our sympathy goes to his family members," said Professor Antonio Loprieno, President of Jacobs University.

The astrophysicist Reimar Lüst received his doctorate under Professor Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker. After several scientific stays at renowned universities in the USA, Professor Lüst worked at the head of numerous scientific organizations. He was, amongst other things, President of the Max Planck Society, Director General of the European Space Agency and President of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. In 2001, Professor Lüst was made an honorary citizen of Bremen. He received an honorary doctorate from Jacobs University in 2011. His lasting memory is commemorated on campus. The "Reimar Lüst Hall", the administration building, also reminds future generations of students of the Spiritus Rector of Jacobs University.