MINTernational Workshops at Jacobs University: Creating enthusiasm for science among high school students

Exciting experiments in an international environment: Almost 40 students will take part in the MINTernational Workshops starting on January 20th, 2020. (Source: Jacobs University) ,


January 9, 2020

Exciting experiments in an international environment: Starting on January 20th, a group of almost 40 students from Bremen and its surrounding area will experience firsthand what it means to work scientifically in the fields of chemistry and physics on Jacobs University’s campus. They will take part in the joined MINTernational Workshops offered by Jacobs University and the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from the USA.

A central goal of the workshops is to provide insights into scientific work and to inspire enthusiasm for scientific questions in chemistry and physics. For many students, the international orientation is particularly appealing: The workshops are taught in English by a "teaching tandem" consisting of a student from each the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Jacobs University. Dr. Jürgen Fritz, Professor of Biophysics, and Dr. Ulrich Kortz, Professor of Chemistry provide academic supervision. "Making science tangible and getting students interested in scientific subjects at an early age – that is our goal," says Dr. Freia Hardt, Head of Teaching and Student Services at the international university.

The one-week, free workshops combine theoretical and practical elements. For their participation, the students receive a certificate that is accepted for the MINT-EC certificate – an award for outstanding performance and commitment in the subjects of mathematics, IT, natural sciences and technology (MINT – the German equivalent to STEM).

The high proportion of female students at the MINTernational Workshops is particularly pleasing: they make up almost half of the participants.

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The MINTernational Wokshops are supported by the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung.