New Year’s Receptions: Constructor President calls for growth through knowledge

“Knowledge is the solution for all evil” - Constructor University’s president Dr. Stanislav Protasov emphasized the importance of knowledge for social progress. (Source: Constructor University)

In his speech at Vegesack’s traditional New Year’s Reception, Constructor University’s president Dr. Stanislav Protasov emphasized the importance of knowledge for social progress. “Knowledge is the solution for all evil,” Protasov said. By fostering strong local cooperation and pairing this with its international network, Constructor University is contributing to this vision by disseminating knowledge, he continued. At the reception hosted by the unifreunde (Association promoting scientific research and teaching) hosted at Bremen City Hall, Protasov also introduced Constructor University’s new professors.

Hosted by Vegesack’s local town office represented by Gunnar Sgolik, and on the Campus of Constructor University, Vegesack’s New Year’s Reception welcomed over 100 guests. Local politicians as well as representatives of economic, cultural and scientific institutions attended on invitation, among them Bremen’s mayor Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte. In his speech, Bovenschulte emphasized the importance of Constructor University serving as an engine for economic development in the region. Through this, the University also contributes significantly to the prosperity of the district, said Bovenschulte. His wish for the University: “Growth, Growth, Growth!” For the continued support on part of the city since the University’s founding, Dr. Phillip Rösler, Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors, expressed his thanks.

For Protasov, who took over as president of the University back in March 2023, the reception constituted a premiere. In his speech, he also stressed that Constructor University will expand its local cooperations in the coming years. The University provides a source of talent for local businesses, said Protasov. He also invited all guests to attend the upcoming Times Higher Education European Universities Summit, hosted on Constructor University’s campus on April 23rd and 24th, 2024. The event provides a forum for researchers and policymakers from across Europe to discuss the future of higher education.

Growth and the strengthening of Bremen as a location of science and higher education similarly were key topics at the unifreunde New Year’s Reception at Bremen City Hall. Only through knowledge can the challenges facing humanity be addressed, said Protasov. He also introduced the newly appointed professors at Constructor University: Prof. Dr. Anna Tevyashova, Prof. Dr. Sohaib Hassan, Prof. Dr. Jakob Suchan and Dr. Dmitry Vetrov. “They will contribute significantly in providing solutions to the challenges of our modern world with their research,” proclaimed Protasov.


About Constructor University:

Founded in 2001, Constructor University is a top-ranked, English-language, private university, with a campus in Bremen, Germany. With its interdisciplinary approach, advanced digital learning tools and accredited programs, it equips students with fundamental knowledge, critical thinking and practical skills to build their professional career and address the world’s most pressing challenges.

The University emphasizes a synergetic and entrepreneurial spirit, offering program mentoring from top-tier professors and industry experts. Partner collaborations include the Constructor Institute in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, Carnegie Mellon, the National University of Singapore, the University of Geneva, and industry references such as JetBrains and ChemDiv.

Internationality and diversity lie at the heart of Constructor University, with more than 110 nations at its vibrant and close-knit campus community in Bremen. There, students enjoy active campus life, with access to clubs, professional networks and academic counselling, essential to their personal and academic growth.

Research-centric faculty projects at the University are funded by the German Research Foundation, the European Union's Framework Program for Research and Innovation, and globally leading companies.

The greater Constructor Knowledge ecosystem includes Constructor University in Bremen, Germany, and Constructor Institute in Schaffhausen, Switzerland. It is a provider of education services with education tools, worldwide traditional and online educational services, as well as advisory and strategic services to education customers in the fields of student recruitment, communications, and marketing support.


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Commercial registry: Amtsgericht Bremen, HRB 18117

Chairs of the Executive Board: Dr. Stanislav Protasov (President), Oznur Bell (Chancellor) Managing Directors : Prof. Dr. Thomas Auf der Heyde, Maja Laetitia Feldt, Bastian Schmidt-Faber Chairman of the Board of Governors : Dr. Serg Bell

Media Contacts
Daisy Juknischke-Heinsen
Corporate Communications
Email Address
Phone number
+49 421 200-4532