Participants Wanted: Scientific Survey on New Year's Resolutions and Planetary Health


Saving more money, exercising more, drinking less alcohol and losing weight are among the most common new year’s resolutions. A survey by researchers at Constructor University Bremen now offers the opportunity for participants to keep track of their resolutions. In addition, the survey offers a way to view resolutions from a perspective of environmental impact and contribution to climate change.

The term for this scientific concept is “planetary health.” “It’s about explaining the relationship between personal health and the health of our planet,” explained Dr. Annette Schomburg, who conducts the study together with Dr. Sonia Lippke, Professor of Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. “Reducing your consumption of meat, for example, isn’t only beneficial for your own health, it also benefits the environment and the climate. Also, it saves money if we recycle food leftovers. In looking out for our own health, you also contribute to everyone else’s health.”

The study aims to give further insight into what kind of information or support people need in order to optimize their health and environmental behavior. As part of the survey, participants will be prompted to evaluate different kinds of content. This offers a chance to reflect on their own goals, get closer to these goals, and make a contribution to a more sustainable future. Participation takes about 10 to 15 minutes, it is confidential and free of charge. Participants only need access to the internet. Reactions from the first round of participants have been very positive: “A great and important survey!” - “Thank you for paying attention to this topic!” - “Very interesting,” some of them write.

Prof. Lippke and her team already conducted a representative survey of over 1,100 participants in the summer of 2023. In this survey, 28 percent of respondents said they used public transport or bikes for short distances under 30 kilometers. “People who do this get more exercise, have a healthier diet and typically find it easier to shop in environmentally friendly ways and opt for locally sourced products,” explained Lippke.

The survey can be found here:

Questions answered by:

Dr. Sonia Lippke | Professor of Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine

slippke | Tel.: +49 421 200-4730


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Founded in 2001, Constructor University is a top-ranked, English-language, private university, with a campus in Bremen, Germany. With its interdisciplinary approach, advanced digital learning tools and accredited programs, it equips students with fundamental knowledge, critical thinking and practical skills to build their professional career and address the world’s most pressing challenges.

The University emphasizes a synergetic and entrepreneurial spirit, offering program mentoring from top-tier professors and industry experts. Partner collaborations include the Constructor Institute in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, Carnegie Mellon, the National University of Singapore, the University of Geneva, and industry references such as JetBrains and ChemDiv.

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The greater Constructor Knowledge ecosystem includes Constructor University in Bremen, Germany, and Constructor Institute in Schaffhausen, Switzerland. It is a provider of education services with education tools, worldwide traditional and online educational services, as well as advisory and strategic services to education customers in the fields of student recruitment, communications, and marketing support.

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