Constructor University continues Roadshow in Egypt

Thomas Auf der Heyde
Thomas Auf der Heyde (left), Vice President of International Outreach and Public Engagement at Constructor University, met with the Vice-Minister of Education (right) in Cairo. (Source: Constructor University)

Acquiring new talent from all around the globe, introducing the university to potential new partners and informing about its programs: Those are the goals of the Roadshow, that representatives of Constructor University were executing throughout May. The route led to numerous cities worldwide, the final destination was Cairo, Egypt, which was visited from May 15th to May 19th.

The Constructor University Roadshow is aimed at establishing new synergies with international universities, promoting Constructor activities worldwide and collaborating with new talents in their fields. Whilst the first stops of the Roadshow included Budapest, Hungary, Tashkent, Uzbekistan as well as Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria in South Africa, the university concluded its tour in Cairo, Egypt.

Here, representatives of the University met with the Vice-Minister of Education as well as a deputy secretary general and director from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to discuss possible collaborations in the fields of education, scientific research and student exchange.

Excited to meet new talents, to inform about the University and its programs, and to explore future possibilities for cooperation, representatives of Constructor University also visited around 12 private international schools in Cairo, as well as several student recruitment agencies.

“Egypt has several well-respected universities, identifying higher education as a priority. It also has a vibrant and extensive private university landscape with much in common with Constructor University. We very much looked forward to meeting young talents and identifying potential for future collaborations and exchange here in Cairo,” said Prof. Dr. Thomas Auf der Heyde, Vice President of International Outreach and Public Engagement at Constructor University.

Beyond the workshop, the University also promoted its new Summer Camp, where interested students (ages 16-19) from Egypt were invited to take part. The Summer Camp is aimed at providing pupils the chance to get an impression of studying and living at Constructor University. The camp will run from July 29th to August 9th.


About Constructor University:
An international community, vibrant and diverse. Offering academic excellence, ensuring the highest standards in research and teaching. Empowering students to solve the world's pressing challenges through knowledge and science: Constructor University is a top-ranked, English-speaking, private university. Founded in 2001, it provides a wide range of 25+ academic programs and PhD. The Constructor ecosystem comprises the University, located in Bremen, Germany, and an institute in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Over 1.800 students from more than 110 nations on campus benefit from a unique interdisciplinary, foundational theoretical and practical education. Enriched with a buzzing entrepreneurial culture that prepares young professionals to thrive in the job market. With 6.000+ alumni worldwide, our community keeps growing – with our highest cohort ever registered in 2022.
The research-centric faculty projects are funded by the German Research Foundation and the European Union's Framework Program for Research and Innovation as well as by globally leading companies.
The Constructor ecosystem benefits from partnerships with high-ranked universities such as Carnegie Mellon, the University of Geneva or the National University of Singapore School of Computing, and technology companies such as Anisoprint, JetBrains and ChemDiv.

Constructor is a global institution dedicated to addressing the main challenges of the world through science, education, and technology. Apart from the University in Bremen, the ecosystem comprises an Institute in Schaffhausen (Switzerland) and several for-profit entities that provide technology infrastructures and solutions, life-long education programs, consulting services, and funding.

Media Contacts
Sandra Ruppel
Corporate Communications
Email Address
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+49 172 3675 490