Constructor University is offering 100 full-ride scholarships to Ukrainian students over the next 1-3 years

Constructor University
Constructor University is offering 100 exclusive scholarships for graduate and undergraduate students from Ukraine whose safety is at risk. This year, 25 students received an offer for the scholarship. (Source: Constructor University)

Over the next 1-3 years, Constructor University is offering 100 exclusive scholarships for graduate and undergraduate students from Ukraine whose safety is at risk. Recognizing the challenges faced by Ukrainian students, this initiative demonstrates a strong commitment to nurturing talent, providing life-changing opportunities, and building bridges to a brighter, safer future for those striving to achieve their academic goals amidst uncertainty.

Launched in early August, the scholarship program provided students the opportunity to choose from 17 Bachelor programs and five Master programs at the University – all offered in English. Each scholarship will be awarded in the amount of 20,000 EUR for each year of study, covering the cost of tuition. A scholarship covering the costs of room and board will also be provided to high-GPA applicants in their first year of studies. Successful admissions were granted based on the applicants’ academic qualifications and achievements.

“We are committed to supporting Ukrainian students whose safety is endangered because of the Russian invasion. What is happening in Ukraine now is especially horrible for students and young people as it hinders them from getting educated and learn through science,” said Serg Bell, Chairman of the Board of Governors at Constructor University, a supervisory board with independent members focused on checks and balances of the management at the University.

“By offering these scholarships, we want to contribute to making sure that the young generation in Ukraine get the education they deserve and can one day use their knowledge to rebuild their country,” Bell said. “This serves to help maximize the University’s primary objective of distributing knowledge through science, technology and education to address the world’s most pressing problems.”

This year’s edition of the program received interest from roughly 200 applicants, mostly in the areas of Computer Science, International Business Administration, and Management Decision and Data Analytics. As the deadline for applications closed August 30, 25 students received an offer for the scholarship. The scholarship program is also available for Constructor Institute in Schaffhausen, offering three Master programs in computer science and software engineering.

The launch of this scholarship program marks another step in Constructor University’s ongoing support for Ukrainian refugees. The university had previously offered free accommodation and meals for more than 110 refugees on its campus and set up a project group which coordinated various activities. Students, staff, alumni and friends of the university volunteered in a digital skills program and other initiatives to support Ukrainian refugees. The whole Constructor ecosystem is actively working on further measures to support Ukrainians, such as offering employment opportunities for those impacted by the conflict.

To apply for this scholarship program, students can visit a special webpage available in both English and Ukrainian. The application process for the Fall 2024 semester will be announced on the university website in October 2023.

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About Constructor University:
Founded in 2001, Constructor University is a top-ranked, English-language, private university, with a campus in Bremen, Germany. With its interdisciplinary approach, advanced digital learning tools and accredited programs, it equips students with fundamental knowledge, critical thinking and practical skills to build their professional career and address the world’s most pressing challenges.
The University emphasizes a synergetic and entrepreneurial spirit, offering program mentoring from top-tier professors and industry experts. Partner collaborations include the Constructor Institute in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, Carnegie Mellon, the National University of Singapore, the University of Geneva, and industry references such as JetBrains and ChemDiv.
Internationality and diversity lie at the heart of Constructor University, with more than 110 nations at its vibrant and close-knit campus community in Bremen. There, students enjoy active campus life, with access to clubs, professional networks and academic counselling, essential to their personal and academic growth.
Research-centric faculty projects at the University are funded by the German Research Foundation, the European Union's Framework Program for Research and Innovation, and globally leading companies.  

The greater Constructor Knowledge ecosystem includes Constructor University in Bremen, Germany, and Constructor Institute in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.  It is a provider of education services with education tools, worldwide traditional and online educational services, as well as advisory and strategic services to education customers in the fields of student recruitment, communications, and marketing support.

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Daisy Juknischke-Heinsen
Corporate Communications
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