Trial course at Jacobs University: "It was fun!"

Trial course at Jacobs University: German teacher Silke Cramer, Jan Abend, Lisa Wigard, Adina Hauck, Helen Vollmer and Magnus Staudacher (from left to right) (source: Jacobs University). ,


March 12, 2020

They attended courses in sociology, robotics or biotechnology, exchanged ideas with students from all over the world and spoke English a lot. During their three-week internship at Jacobs University, six pupils from the high school “Waldschule Schwanewede” got a direct impression of student life at the international university. "I came into contact with people from many different cultures. It was fun to experience this diversity in everyday life," says Adina Hauck, one of the pupils.

Together with Lisa Wigard, Jan Abend, Pia Jürgens, Helen Vollmer and Magnus Staudacher, the 17-year-old had applied for the trial course. Their teacher Bengt Schlichting supervised the eleventh-graders. The pupils also took part in a language course Jacobs University’s students attend to learn German. As native speakers, they were able to support them, but also to practice English themselves. "Speaking English every day was what I liked best," says Adina.

The biggest difference to school for her was the independent learning at a university. "We had a lot of free space during the internship that we could use independently. That was great, but I'm also happy to learn in school again based on structure". Which personal experience did she gain from her internship? "That you should always be open to new things."