Women's International Leadership Conference on April 30, and May 1, 2022 at Jacobs University

The organizing team (from left to right): Hersa Bregu, Nurgun Rafizade, Salma El Atassi and Gubaala Boku Tache. (Source: Jacobs University) ,


April 25, 2022

The program of the event is as diverse as the invited speakers. They represent large digital companies such as Google and Meta, but also startups and social organizations. The focus of the Women’s International Leadership Conference are women in diplomacy and politics as well as women in STEM professions. The first day of the conference will take place on Saturday, April 30th at the Jacobs University Bremen campus, the second, on Sunday, May 1st, exclusively online. A livestream can be followed on both days. Participation is free of charge, registration is requested for both days.

There will be two panel discussions again this year. Among them are employees of the Schaeffler Group, one of the world's best-known automotive companies. They will report on the company's approach to gender equality in a male-dominated industry. Furthermore, members of the Zonta Club, an international organization that promotes equal access to education will be present. Susanne von Bassewitz and Ute Scholz will speak about the impact of academia on women's career opportunities in both politics and STEM subjects.

In addition, participants will be able to exchange ideas and network in small groups in between the speeches. "We are very pleased that we have been able to attract so many experts to our event and are looking forward to their contributions and interesting discussions," says main organizer Salma El Atassi.

The event, which is organized by Jacobs University students, is supported by various sponsors: the Undergraduate Student Government of Jacobs University, the Techniker Krankenkasse (German health insurance company), and the Schaeffler Group.
