International Business, Innovation and Information Management

Group leader
Associate Professor of Business Administration and Information Management
Specific themes and goals

The I3 Group is currently involved in projects in the context of digital transformation, service industry, design thinking, and creativity. The major aim of the research group is to design state-of-the-art ICT applications for innovation management, service provision, and education, in particular in the creative sector. 

  • DETHIS: The outcome of the BMBF-funded project “DETHIS — Design Thinking for Industrial Services” (2016-2019) is the specification of a Design Thinking process dedicated to SMEs (see also DINSpec 33453), including an IT-supported toolbox and a platform to facilitate the application of design-thinking processes in the industrial service sector. 
  • BeDien: In the BMBF-funded meta-project “BeDien — Personal Services” (2018-2022), we conducted state-of-the-art research in the area of personal services in the age of digitisation. The project collaborated with and supported eight other BMBF projects (with more than 50 partner organisations) to discover new techniques to improve personal service experiences.
  • StudyBuddy: In the BMBF-funded project StudyBuddy, a team of four business and research organizations developed an artificial-intelligence-based learning companion for professional development. AI plays a crucial role in the development of individualized services for learning. While interacting with users, StudyBuddy identifies their needs and provides learning support that adapts to their habits and circumstances. 
  • Imparting Creativity in Distance: Learning In this project, funded by the Jacobs Foundation, in an international consortium, the I3 group designed an e-learning solution to foster students’ creativity in higher education. Creativity is perceived as one of the major required soft skills for future workforces but is barely included in existing e-learning programmes or courses. The developed solution allows instructors from various academic areas such as business, engineering, design, and social, natural and computer sciences to foster creativity in their courses and study programmes. 
  • AI- and ML-based price determination: In two projects (funded by industry and by the BMEL), we used highly sophisticated AI- and machine-learning algorithms to determine the prices of non-standardised products in complex markets.
Highlights and impact

BMBF-funded projects on digital transformation and servitization were an integral part of the last four years. Since 2019, the I3 team has published five books, 14 journal articles, 10 book chapters, 15 conference papers and one DIN-Spec. The group has also developed innovative hybrid Design Thinking Methods for creative work, and is also involved in the development of new and successful BA and MA programs at Constructor University

Group composition & projects/funding

Between 2019 and 2022, Prof. Lattemann grad - uated three PhD students as first supervisor and six PhD students as second supervisor. In Sep - tember 2022, the I3 Group consisted of five PhD students funded by BMBF, Jacobs Foundation, and other projects.

Selected publications
  • Robra-Bissantz, S. Lattemann, C. (2022) Service for Good Playbook, ISBN: 978 -375622480-7 
  • Michalke, S., Lohrenz, L., Lattemann, C., Robra-Bissantz, S. (2022) Exploring Engage - ment, Well-being and Welfare on Engagement Platforms: Insight into the Personal Service Sector from the DACH Region. Journal of Elec - tronic Markets, accepted for publication 
  • Fischer, S., Lattemann, C., Redlich, B., Guerrero, R. (2020) Implementation of Design 
  • Thinking to Improve Organizational Agility in an SME, Die Unternehmung — Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice, Vol. 74(2), pp. 136-154 
  • Xing, Y., Liu, Y., Lattemann C. (2019). Accommodat - ing institutional logics in social enterprises: the entry mode choices of foreign hospitals in China, Journal of World Business, published online 
  • Liu, Y., Lattemann C., Xing, Y., Dorawa, D. (2019). The emergence of collaborative partnerships between knowledge intensive business service (KIBS) and product firms: The case of KIBS in Bremen, Germany, Regional Studies, 53 (3), pp. 376-387.