Prof. Dr. Hilke Brockmann
Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
For centuries, happiness was a theoretical concept. But in the last three decades, happiness and subjective well-being (SWB) research has transformed the field into an empirical interdisciplinary science. There is now fast-growing demand for empirical happiness findings — inside as well as outside academia — due to their innovative insights, global applications, and predictive behavioral power.
The Philipp University of Marburg
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD, Soziologie
1994 - 1997
Grade: magna cum laude
Skills: Fragebogen · IBM SPSS · Statistische Modellierung · Umfragedesign
University of Essex
Summer Schools in (Social) Data Science, Quantitative and Big Data Analysis
1992 - 2018
Skills: Fragebogen · IBM SPSS · Big Data · Statistische Modellierung · Umfragedesign
University of Michigan
Summer Programs in Quantitative Methods
1993 - 1997
Skills: Fragebogen · IBM SPSS · Statistische Modellierung · Umfragedesign
University of Hamburg
Master's degree, Sociology, Psychology, Public Law, Politics
1986 - 1991
Grade: very good
Skills: Fragebogen · IBM SPSS · Qualitative Forschung · Statistische Modellierung · Französisch · Umfragedesign
Bielefeld University
Bachelor's degree, Sociology, Psychology (minor)
1984 - 1986
Grade: with distinction
Skills: Fragebogen · Statistische Modellierung · Umfragedesign
Bielefeld University
Bachelor's degree, Sociology
Grade: excellent
Skills: Französisch
University of Hamburg
Master's degree, Sociology, Public Law, Political Science, Psychology
Grade: excellent
Professor of Sociology at Jacobs University Bremen
Data Center Researcher & Schuman Fellow at European University Institute
Visiting Research Fellow at Harvard University
Junior Professor at University of Bremen
Research Scientist at Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
PhD Student at Philipps-Universitat Marburg
Research Scientist at Helmut-Schmidt-University