Prof. Dr. Keivan Mallahi Karai
Analysis on groups, dynamics of group actions and probability theory
Today’s modern world hinges on waves, such as in telecommunications, national power grids, or even aerospace. Developing new tools and deepening our mathematical understanding of waves can broaden their applications. Harmonic analysis is a branch of mathematics dealing with representing wave-like objects as a combination of simpler waves with different frequencies. This powerful tool has its roots in the concept of Fourier series discovered in the groundbreaking work of Joseph Fourier in 1822. Fourier suggested that a periodic wave can be decomposed into pure harmonic waves. Ever since this discovery, this idea has been applied to a large variety of problems in analysis and geometry. Keivan Mallahi-Karai investigates harmonic analysis in a number of settings.
Ph.D. in Mathematics.
Yale University, May 2006
B.Sc. in Mathematics.
Sharif University of Technology, February 1999
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Universität Bonn
Jun 2006 - Aug 2006 · 3 mos