Prof. Klaus Boehnke
Campus Ring 1
D-28759 Bremen
- Political Socialization (xenophobia, right-wing extremism)
- Value change and value transmission
- Methods of empirical social research
Habilitation "On the relationship of family climate and school behavior in a cross-cultural perspective," Venia legendi in psychology
Doctoral dissertation: "Prosocial motivation, self-concept, and political orientation: Development and change in adolescence."
Undergraduate study in Psychology (double major) at the University of the Saarland, Saarbrücken, at the Ruhr-University Bochum, and at Berlin University of Technology; Diploma thesis: "On the influence of different sample characteristics on the efficiency of parametric and nonparametric analysis of variance."
Undergraduate study of English (major) and Russian (minor), Thesis: Tendencies of standardization of American English
Visiting Professor, Department of Psychology, National University of Singapore
Professor of Socialization Research and Methodology at the Department of Sociology of Chemnitz University of Technology.
Visiting Professor at the Institute for Human Development, Life Course, and Aging at the University of Toronto, Canada.
Assistant and Associate Professor at the Department of Education of the Free University of Berlin, Germany
Senior Guest Lecturer at the Department of Educational Psychology of Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
Guest Lecturer at the Department of Psychology of the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia
Research Scientist and Lecturer of Educational Psychology at the Department of Psychology of Berlin University of Technology
Elementary school teacher
Tutor of Psychological Methodology at the Department of Psychology of Berlin University of Technology
- "Classical Music at School: a Cooperation between "German Chamber Orchestra Bremen" and "Comprehensive School Bremen-Ost"
- "Identity Development and Value Transmission among Veteran and Migrant Adolescents and their Families in Germany and Israel: Life Transitions and Contexts"
- Kohäsionsradar - Cohesion Radar
Pérez-Nebra, A. R., Fischer, R., Torres, C. V., & Boehnke, K. (2024). Adaptation of a cultural measure in Brazil—Developing a short version of the Individualism–Collectivism Vertical–Horizontal Scale. Psychological Test Adaptation and Development, 5 (1), 12–25. (LINK)
Schemmerling, M., Friehs, M.-T., Kotzur, P. F., Bastias, F., De Keersmaecker, J., Macedo, F. G., Neto, F., Neto, J., Pietraszkiewicz, A., Schmid, K., Sczesny, S., Torres, C., & Boehnke, K. (2023). Culturally emic protagonists using the Stereotype Content Model: A scale development and adaption process across four languages and eight countries. Psychological Test Adaptation and Development, 4(1), online first. (LINK)
Neter, E., & Boehnke, K. (2023). War in Europe, again? Adversity, coping, and resilience. Applied Psychology. Health and Well-Being, 10.1111/aphw.12515. Advance online publication.(LINK) {Cite Score 9.3}
Abu-Rayya, H. M., Henschel, N. T., Amin, A., & Boehnke, K. (2023). Examining the circumplex value structure and the person-environment value congruence hypothesis in Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) countries. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 100176, 7. (LINK) {Cite Score: 1.2}
Ghasemi, A., Hall, S. S., Shahi, H., Meyers, L. S., Karami, J., Mehrabani, A. R., Rahandaz, Z. & Boehnke, K. (2023). The compassionate type? Personality, self-compassion, and postdivorce adjustment among Iranian women. Family Relations – Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Science, 72 (5), 3084-3099. (LINK)
Foroughi, A., Henschel, N.T., Shahi, H., Hall, S.S., Meyers, L.S., Sadeghi, K., Parvizifard, A., Boehnke, K., & Brand, S. (2023). Keeping things positive: Affect as a mediator between physical activity and psychological functioning. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology, and Education, 13, 2428–2459. (LINK)
Boehnke, K. (2022). Let’s compare apples and oranges! A plea to demystify measurement equivalence. American Psychologist, 77 (9), 1160–1168 (LINK)
Tatarko, A., Jurcik, T., & Boehnke, K. (2022). Social capital and the COVID-19 pandemic threat: The Russian experience. Frontiers in Sociology, 7, 957215. (LINK)
Adedeji, A., Olonisakin, T. T., Metzner, F., Buchcik, J., Tsabedze, W., Boehnke, K. & Idemudia, E. S. (2022) Interpreting microaggression as a determinant of wellbeing. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. (LINK)
Gestefeld, M., Lorenz, J., Henschel, N.T. & Boehnke, K. (2022). Decomposing attitude distributions to characterize attitude polarization in Europe. Springer Nature Social Science, 2 (7), 110. (LINK)
Grigoryan, L., Jones, B. H., Cohrs, J. C., Boehnke, K., & Easterbrook, M. J. (2022). Differentiating between belief-indicative and status-indicative groups improves predictions of inter-group attitudes. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. (LINK)
Belić, J., Boehnke, M., & Boehnke, K. (2022). Perceived value similarity with important others: Well-being implications for emerging adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, e716952. (LINK)
Grigoryan, L., Cohrs, J. C., Boehnke, K., van de Vijver, F. (A. J. R. ), & Easterbrook, M. J. (2022). Multiple categorization and intergroup bias: Examining the generalizability of three theories of intergroup relations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 122(1), 34–52. (LINK)
Larsen, M. M., Boehnke, K., Esenaliev, D., & Brück, T. (2021). Social cohesion, ethnicity and well-being: Results from an intervention study in Kyrgyzstan. Культурно-историческая психология/Cultural-Historical Psychology, 17 (4), 46—55. (LINK)
Sun, Y., Shang, R.-A., Cao, H., Jiang, H., Boehnke, K. & Fu, J. (2021). Improving knowledge transfer through enterprise social media: the mediating role of transactive memory. Indus¬trial Management & Data Systems, advance online publication. (LINK)
Schnelle, C., Baier, D., Hadjar, A. & Boehnke, K. (2021). Authoritarianism beyond disposition: A literature review of research on contextual antecedents. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1843. (LINK)
Boehnke, K., Galyapina, V., Lebedeva, N., & Lepshokova, Z. (2021). Values of ethnic Russians and the indigenous population in North Caucasus republics of the Russian Federation: An Exploratory Three-Generation Comparison. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 52(5), 489–506. (LINK)
Shani, M., Kraft, L., Müller, M. & Boehnke, K. (2020). The potential benefits of camps for children and adolescents with celiac disease on social support, illness acceptance, and healthrelated quality of life. Journal of Health Psychology, online first. (LINK)
Witte, E. H., Stanciu, A., & Boehnke, K. (2020). A new empirical approach to intercultural comparisons of value preferences based on Schwartz’s theory. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1723. (LINK)
Larsen, M. M., Esenaliev, D., Brück, T., & Boehnke, K. (2020). The connection between social cohesion and personality: A multilevel study in the Kyrgyz Republic. International Journal of Psychology, 55 (1), 42-51.
Odağ, Ö, Leiser, A., & Boehnke, K. (2019). Reviewing the role of the internet in radicalization processes. Journal for Deradicalization, 21, 261-300.
Jackson, J. C., van Egmond, M., Choi, V. K., Ember, C. R., Halberstadt, J., Balanovic, J., Basker, I. N., Boehnke, K., Buki, N., Fischer, R., Fülöp, M., Fulmer, A., Homan; A. C., van Kleef, G. A., Kreemers, L., Schei, V., Szabo, E., Ward, C., & Gelfand, M. J. (2019). Ecological and cultural factors underlying the global distribution of prejudice. PLoS ONE 14(9), e0221953.
Ponizovskiy, V., Grigoryan, L., Kühnen, U. & Boehnke, K. (2019). Social construction of the value-behavior relation. Frontiers in Psychol. 10:934.
Hadjar, A., Schiefer, D., Boehnke, K., Frindte, W., & Geschke, D. (2019). Devoutness to Islam and the attitudinal acceptance of political violence among young Muslims in Germany. Political Psychology, 40 (2), 205-222.
Koschinsky, A., Heinrich, L., Boehnke, K., Cohrs, J.C., Markus, T., Shani, M., Singh, P., Smith Stegen, K., & Werner, W. (2018). Deep‐sea mining: Interdisciplinary research on potential environmental, legal, economic, and societal implications. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 14(6), 672-691.
Delhey, J., Boehnke, K., Dragolov, G, Ignácz, Z.S., Larsen, M., Lorenz, J., & Koch, M. (2018). Social cohesion and its correlates: A comparison of Western and Asian societies. Comparative Sociology, 17 (3-4), 426 – 455.
Shani, M. & Boehnke, K. (2017). The effect of Jewish–Palestinian mixed-model encounters on readiness for contact and policy support. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 23 (3), 219-227.
Kotzur, P. F., Torres, C. V., Kedzior, K. K., & Boehnke, K. (2017). Influences on political consumer behavior among university students in Brazil and Germany: The role of core political values and contextual features. International Journal of Psychology, 52(2), 126-135.
Daniel, E., Boehnke, K., & Knafo-Noam, A. (2016). Value-differentiation and self-esteem among majority and immigrant youth. Journal of Moral Education, 45 (3), 338-353.
Boehnke, K. (2016). Doing a psychology PhD in an interdisciplinary program—a best-practice example from the German Excellence Initiative. International Journal of Psychology, 51 (S1), 628.
Hill, C. T., Barros, M. R, Boehnke, K., Boer, D., Brumbaugh, C. C., Rodriguez, J. E., Giotsa, A., Carcedo Gonzalez, R. J., Ivan, L.; Kito, M., Kurys-Szyncel, K.; Jankowiak, B., Lasso, Z., Macbeth, G., Razumiejczyk, E., Mari, S., & Torres, C. V. (2016). Basic Human Values, Well-Being, and Intimate Relationships. International Journal of Psychology, 51 (S1), 1045.
Boehnke, K. (2016). Is the German 'civil clause' a model to prevent the involvement of psychologists in military atrocities? International Journal of Psychology, 51 (S1), 8.
Kedzior, K.K., Röhrs, W., & Kühnen, U., Odağ, Ö., Haber, F., & Boehnke, K. (2015). Evaluation of an intercultural peer training for incoming undergraduate students at an international university in Germany. SAGE Open, 5(3), 1-9.
Boehnke, K. (2015). The intergenerational transmission of interpersonal problems: An exploration. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24 (10), 2999-3008.
Dragolov, G. & Boehnke, K. (2015). Social axioms as mediators between culture-level and individual-level values. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46(6), 772–788.
Boehnke, K., Rippl, S. & Fuss, D. (2015). Sustainable civil-society engagement: Potentials of a transnational civil society in French-German, Polish-German, and Czech-German border regions. Sustainability, 7 (4), 4078-4099.
Boehnke, K., Arnaut, C., Bremer, T., Chinyemba, R., Kiewitt, Y., Koudadjey, A. K., Mwangase, R., & Neubert, L. (2014). Toward emically informed cross-cultural comparisons: A suggestion. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(10), 1655-1670.
Musiol, A.-L. & Boehnke, K. (2013). Classical music at a German inner-city school: The German Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra Bremen at Comprehensive School Bremen East. Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2(11), 36-43.
Idemudia, E.S., William, J.K., Boehnke, K., & Wyatt, G. (2013). Gender differences in trauma and posttraumatic stress symptoms among displaced Zimbabweans in South Africa. Journal of Traumatic Stress Disorders & Treatment, 2 (3). doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2324-8947.1000110.
Musiol, A.-L. & Boehnke, K. (2013). Person-environment value congruence and satisfaction with life. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3(9), 57-65.
Kornyeyeva, L., & Boehnke, K. (2013). The role of self-acceptance in authoritarian personality formation: Reintroducing a psychodynamic perspective into authoritarianism Research. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 30(2), 232-246.
Boehnke, K. (2012). On comparing apples and oranges: Towards a quantitative emic cross-cultural psychology. A pamphlet. Baltic Journal of Psychology, 13(1/2), 8–15.
Boehnke, K. & Rippl, S. (2012). General and ‘neighbourly’ trust in border regions: An analysis of the influence of disintegration experience and of self-enhancement mentalities in the German-Czech Border Regions. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 48(6), 1075–1092.
Hadjar, A., Boehnke, K., Knafo, A., Daniel, E., Musiol, A.-L., Schiefer, D., & Möllering, A. (2012). Parent-child value similarity and subjective well-being in the context of migration: An exploration. Family Science, 3, 55-63.
Daniel, E., Schiefer, D., Möllering, A., Benish-Weisman, M., Boehnke, K., & Knafo, A. (2012). Value Differentiation in Adolescence: The Role of Age and Cultural Complexity. Child Development, 83 (1), 322-336.
Leung, K., Lam, B. C. P., Bond, M. H., Conway, L. G. III, Gornick, L. J., Amponsah, B., Boehnke, K., Dragolov, G., Burgess, S. M., Golestaneh, H. Busch, H. Hofer, J., Dominguez Espinosa, A. d. C., Fardis, M. Ismail, R., Kurman, J., Lebedeva, N., Tatarko, A.N., Sam, D.L., Mendes Teixeira, M. L., Yamaguchi, S., Fukuzawa, A., Zhang, J., & Zhou, F. (2012). Developing and evaluating the social axioms survey in eleven countries: Its relationship with the five-factor model of personality. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43, 833-857.
Gelfand, M.J., Raver, J.L., Nishii, L., Leslie, L.M., Lun, J., Lim, B.C., Duan, L., Almaliach, A., Ang, S., Arnadottir, J., Aycan, Z., Boehnke, K., Boski, P., Cabecinhas, R., Chan, D. Chhokar, J., D'Amato, A., Ferrer, M., Fischlmayr, I.C., Fischer, R., Fülöp, M., Georgas, J., Kashima, E.S., Kashima, Y., Kim, K., Lempereur, A., Marquez, P., Othman, R., Overlaet, B., Panagiotopoulou, P., Peltzer, K., Perez-Florizno, L.R., Ponomarenko, L., Realo, A., Schei, V., Schmitt, M., Smith, P.B., Soomro, N., Szabo, E., Taveesin, N., Toyama, M., van de Vliert, E., Vohra, N., Ward, C., & Yamaguchi, S. (2011). Differences between tight and loose cultures: A 33-nation study. Science, 332 (6033), 1100-1104.
Boehnke, K. & Wong, B. (2011). Adolescent Political Activism and Long-Term Happiness: A 21-Year Longitudinal Study on the Development of Micro- and Macrosocial Worries. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, 435-447.
Schiefer, D., Möllering, A., Daniel, E., Benish-Wiseman, M., & Boehnke, K. (2010). Cultural values and outgroup negativity: A cross-cultural analysis of early and late adolescents. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 635-651.
Rippl, S., Bücker, N., Petrat, A., & Boehnke, K. (2010). Crossing the frontier: Transnational social integration in the EU's border regions. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 51, 5-31.
Boehnke, K. & Fuss, D. (2008). What part does Europe play in the identity building of young European adults. Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 9 (2008), 466-479.
Hadjar, A., Baier, D. & Boehnke, K. (2008). The socialization of hierarchic self-interest: Value socialization in the family. Young - Nordic Journal of Youth Research, 16, 279-301.
Boehnke, K. (2008). Peer pressure: A cause of scholastic underachievement? A cross-cultural study of mathematical achievement among German, Canadian, and Israeli middle school students. Social Psychology of Education, 11, 149-160.
Cohrs, C. & Boehnke, K. (2008). Social Psychology and Peace: An Introductory Overview. Social Psychology, 39, 4-11.
Boehnke, K., Hadjar, A., & Baier, D. (2007). Parent-child value similarity: The role of zeitgeist. Journal of Marriage and Family, 69, 778792.
Boehnke, K. & Boehnke, M. (2005). Once a peacenik - always a peacenik? Results from a German six-wave, twenty-year longitudinal study. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 11, 337-354.
Boehnke, K. (2005). Value orientations in relation to mathematical self-esteem: An exploratory study of their role in mathematical achievement among German, Israeli, and Canadian 14- year-olds. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 20 (3), 227- 241.
Hagan, J., Boehnke, K., & Merkens, H. (2004). Gender Differences in Capitalization Processes and the Delinquency of Siblings in Toronto and Berlin. British Journal of Criminology, 44, 659-676.
Fischer, C. & Boehnke, K. (2004). 'Obstruction Galore': A case study of non-violent resistance against nuclear waste disposal in Germany. Environmental Politics, 13, 393413.
Schwartz, S.H. & Boehnke, K. (2004). Evaluating the structure of human values with confirmatory factor analysis. Journal of Research in Personality, 38, 230-255.
Boehnke, K. (Ed.) (2003). Israel and Europe - a complex relationship. With a foreword by Professor Kurt Biedenkopf. Wiesbaden: DUV.
Boehnke, K., Münch, T. & Hoffmann, D. (2002). Development through media use? A German study on the use of radio in adolescence. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 26, 193-201.
Boehnke, K., Ittel, A. & Baier, D. (2002). Value transmission and 'zeitgeist': An underresearched relationship. Sociale Wetenschappen, 45, 28-43.
Boehnke, K. & Bergs-Winkels, D. (2002). Juvenile delinquency under conditions of rapid social change. Sociological Forum, 17, 57-79.
Boehnke, K. (2001). Parent-offspring value transmission in a societal context: Suggestions for a utopian research design with empirical underpinnings. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 32, 241-255.
Montiel, C.J. & Boehnke, K. (2000). Preferred Attributes of Effective Conflict Resolvers in Seven Societies: Culture, Development-Level and Gender Differences. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 30, 1071-1094.
Schwartz, S. H., Sagiv, L. & Boehnke, K. (2000). Worries and values. Journal of Personality, 68, 309-346.
Bovier, E. & Boehnke, K. (1999). Do liberal teachers produce violent and xenophobic students? An empirical study of German ninth graders and their teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 15, 815-827.
Hagan, J., Rippl, S., Boehnke, K. & Merkens, H. (1999). Interest in evil: Hierarchic self interest and right-wing extremism among East and West German youth. Social Science Research, 28, 162-183.
Boehnke, K., Hagan, J., & Hefler, G. (1998). On the development of xenophobia in Germany: The adolescent years. Journal of Social Issues, 54, 585-602.
Boehnke, K., Schwartz, S., Stromberg, C. & Sagiv, L. (1998). The structure and dynamics of worry: Theory, measurement, and cross-national replications. Journal of Personality, 66, 745-782.
Hagan, J., Hefler, G., Claßen, G., Boehnke, K., & Merkens, H. (1998). Subterranean sources of subcultural delinquency beyond the American dream. Criminology, 36, 309-342.
Boehnke, K., Stromberg, C., Regmi, M.P., Richmond, B.O. & Chandra, S. (1998). Reflecting the world 'out there': A cross-cultural perspective on worries, values and well-being. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 17, 227-247.
Boehnke, K., Hagan, J. & Merkens, H. (1998). Right-wing extremism among German adolescents: Risk factors and protective factors. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 47, 109-126.Boehnke, K. & Bar-Tal, D. (1998). Political psychology as applied psychology: An introduction. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 47, 3-4.
Boehnke, K. & Schwartz, S.H. (1997). Fear of war: Relations to values, gender, and mental health in Germany and Israel. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 3, 149-165.
Rippl, S. & Boehnke, K. (1995). Authoritarianism: Adolescents from East and West Germany and the United States compared. New Directions for Child Development (After the Wall: Family Adaptations in East and West Germany, James Youniss (ed.), 70, 57-70.
Boehnke, K. & Rippl, S. (1995). ¿Produce autoritarismo el socialismo? Psicologia Politica, 10, 87-105.
Hagan, J, Merkens, H. & Boehnke, K. (1995). Delinquency and disdain: Social capital and the control of right wing extremism among East and West Berlin youth. American Journal of Sociology, 100, 1028-1052.
Boehnke, K., Dettenborn, H., Horstmann, K. & Schwartz, S.H. (1994). Value Priorities in the United Germany: Teachers and Students from East and West Compared. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 9, 191-202.
Boehnke, K., Dettenborn, H., Horstmann, K. & Schwartz, S.H. (1994). Value Priorities in the United Germany: Teachers and Students from East and West Compared. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 9, 191-202.
Dettenborn, H. & Boehnke, K. (1994). The relationship of socio-cognitive oversimplification and the social behaviour of adolescents. Educational Psychology, 14, 385-402.
Dettenborn, H. & Boehnke, K. (1994). Socio-cognitive complexity of moral argumentation and deviant school behavior. The German Journal of Psychology, 18, 239-240.
Boehnke, K., Frindte, W., Reddy, N.Y. & Singhal, S. (1993). Worries, stereotypes, and values of young adults: Germany and India compared, Psychologia--An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient, 26, 61-72.
Doil, B., Dettenborn, H. & Boehnke, K. (1993). The relation of intention and consequence for children's evaluations of morally relevant action. The German Journal of Psychology, 17, 41-42.
Boehnke, K. (1992). The status of psychological peace research in East and West Germany in a time of change. Political Psychology, 13 (1), 133-144.
Scott, W.A., Scott, R., Boehnke, K., Cheng, S.W., Leung, K. & Sasaki, M. (1991). Children's personality as a function of family relations within and between cultures. Journal of CrossCultural Psychology, 22 (2), 182208.
Boehnke, K., Macpherson, M.J., Meador, M. & Petri, H. (1989). How West German adolescents experience the nuclear threat. Political Psychology, 10 (3), 419-443.
Boehnke, K., Silbereisen, R.K., Eisenberg, N., Reykowski, J. & A. Palmonari (1989). Developmental pattern of prosocial motivation: A crossnational study. Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, 20 (3), 219-243.
Boehnke, K. (1989). A nonparametric test for differences in the dispersion of dependent samples. Biometrical Journal, 31 (4), 421-430.
Boehnke, K., Silbereisen, R.K., Reynolds, C.R. & Richmond, B.O. (1986). What I think and feel - German experience with the revised form of the Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 7, 553-560.
Eisenberg, N., Boehnke, K., Schuhler, P. & Silbereisen, R.K. (1985). The development of prosocial behavior in German children. Journal of CrossCultural Psychology, 16, 6981.
Boehnke, K. (1984). F- and H-test assumptions revisited. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 44, 609-617.