
Prof. Dr. Peter Schupp

Professor of Physics
School of Science
Campus Ring 1, 28759 Bremen, Germany
Phone number
+49 421 200-3224
Email Address
Research III, Room 65
Research Interests

Mathematical/Theoretical Physics: Classical and quantum gravity, QFT, string theory; generalized, graded and non-commutative geometry; coherent states, entropy, quantum systems, quantum information.

University Education
  • University of California at Berkeley, PhD (1990-1993)
  • California Institute of Technology, MSc (1989-1990)
  • University of Heidelberg, Vordiplom (1986-1989)
  • Habilitation: University of Munich 2001
Fellowships and Awards
  • Heisenberg Fellowship DFG (awarded 2002)
  • Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes 1986-1992
  • Max-Kade-Foundation Fellow 1997-1998
  • Theodore S. Brown and Edith N. Brown Fellowship/Ephraim Weiss Scholarship (Berkeley) 1991-1992
  • Dora Garibaldi Scholarship (Berkeley) 1990-1991
  • Earl C. Anthony Fellowship (Caltech) 1989-1990
  • University Fellow Renker GmbH & Co. KG 1989-1991
  • International Physics Olympiad: Portoroz 1985 (silver medal, 7th overall), London 1986 (bronze medal)
Research and Teaching Positions
  • Jacobs University Bremen/IUB, full professor (since 2002)
  • Princeton University, Dept. of Physics, visiting fellow, lecturer/instructor (1997-1999)
  • University of Munich, C1/C2-position (assistant professor) (1994-1997, 1999-2002)
  • UC Berkeley/LBNL, GSI/RA (1991-1993)
Selected Publications
(small selection)
  • P. Schupp, P. Watts, B. Zumino, Differential geometry on linear quantum groups, Lett. Math. Phys. 25, 139 (1992)
  • P. Schupp, On Liebs conjecture for the Wehrl entropy of Bloch coherent states, Commun. Math. Phys. 207, 481 (1999)
  • E.H. Lieb, P. Schupp, Ground state properties of a fully frustrated quantum spin system, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 5362 (1999)
  • J. Madore, S. Schraml, P. Schupp, J. Wess, Gauge Theory on Noncommutative Spaces, Eur. Phys. J. C 16, 161 (2000)
  • X. Calmet, B. Jurco, P. Schupp, J. Wess, M. Wohlgenannt, The Standard Model on Non-Commutative Space-Time, Eur. Phys. J. C 23, 363 (2002)
  • Aschieri, Blohmann, Dimitrijevic, Meyer, Schupp, Wess , A gravity theory on noncommutative spaces, Class. Quant. Gravity 22, 3511 (2005)
  • P. Schupp, J. You, UV/IR mixing in noncommutative QED defined by Seiberg-Witten map, JHEP 0808:107 (2008)
  • P. Aschieri, B. Jurco, P. Schupp, Noncommutative gerbes and deformation quantization, J. Geom. Phys. 60, 1754 (2010)
  • B. Jurco, P. Schupp, Nambu sigma model and effective membrane actions, Phys. Lett. B 713, 313 (2012)
  • D. Mylonas, P. Schupp, R.J. Szabo, Membrane sigma-models and quantization of non-geometric flux backgrounds, JHEP 1209 (2012) 012
  • B. Jurco, P. Schupp, J. Vysoky, On the generalized geometry origin of non-commutative gauge theory, JHEP 1307 (2013) 126
  • B. Jurco, P. Schupp, J. Vysoky, Nambu-Poisson gauge theory, Physics Letters B 733, 221 (2014)
  • D. Mylonas, P. Schupp, RJ. Szabo, Non-Geometric Fluxes, Quasi-Hopf Twist Deformations and Nonassociative Quantum Mechanics, J. Math. Phys. 55, 122301 (2014)
  • A. Chatzistavrakidis, FS. Khoo, D. Roest, P. Schupp, Tensor Galileons and gravity, JHEP 2017 (3), 70
  • M. Minkov, M. Pinkwart, P. Schupp, Entropy methods for CMB analysis of anisotropy and non-Gaussianity, Phys. Rev. D 99 10, 103501 (2019)

Complete list (with metrics): [Google Scholar]

Publications on Scopus
Schupp, P. Szabo, R.J.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2024 57 (23)
Schupp, P. Anagnostopoulos, K. Zoupanos, G.
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 2023 232 (23-24) pp. 3577-3579
Chatzistavrakidis, A. Karagiannis, G. Manolakos, G. Schupp, P.
Physical Review D 2022 105 (10)
Boffo, E. Schupp, P.
Journal of High Energy Physics 2021 2021 (12)
Chatzistavrakidis, A. Karagiannis, G. Schupp, P.
European Physical Journal C 2020 80 (11)
Chatzistavrakidis, A. Karagiannis, G. Schupp, P.
Communications in Mathematical Physics 2020 378 (2) pp. 1157-1201
Boffo, E. Schupp, P.
Journal of High Energy Physics 2020 2020 (1)
Chatzistavrakidis, A. Karagiannis, G. Schupp, P.
Proceedings of Science 2019 376
Boffo, E. Schupp, P.
Proceedings of Science 2019 376
Minkov, M. Pinkwart, M. Schupp, P.
Physical Review D 2019 99 (10)
Pinkwart, M. Schupp, P. Schwarz, D.J.
15th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics, and Relativistic Field Theories, MG 2018 2018
Jurčo, B. Khoo, F.S. Schupp, P. Vysoký, J.
14th Marcel Grossman Meeting On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories, Proceedings 2018 pp. 2683-2688
Chatzistavrakidis, A. Khoo, F.S. Roest, D. Schupp, P.
Journal of High Energy Physics 2017 2017 (3)
Jurčo, B. Khoo, F.S. Schupp, P. Vysoký, J.
Fortschritte der Physik 2016 64 (4-5) pp. 369-370
Mylonas, D. Schupp, P. Szabo, R.J.
Journal of Mathematical Physics 2014 55 (12)
Jurčo, B. Schupp, P. Vysoký, J.
Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 2014 (8)
Jurčo, B. Schupp, P. Vysoký, J.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 2014 733 pp. 221-225
Mylonas, D. Schupp, P. Szabo, R.J.
Proceedings of Science 2013 21-26-October-2013
Jurčo, B. Schupp, P. Vysoký, J.
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 2013 (7)
Jurčo, B. Schupp, P. Vysoký, J.
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 2013 (2)
Mylonas, D. Schupp, P. Szabo, R.J.
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 2012 (9)
Horvat, R. Ilakovac, A. Schupp, P. Trampetić, J. You, J.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 2012 715 (4-5) pp. 340-347
Jurčo, B. Schupp, P.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 2012 713 (3) pp. 313-316
Schupp, P. Jurčo, B.
Proceedings of Science 2011
Aschieri, P. Baković, I. Jurčo, B. Schupp, P.
Journal of Geometry and Physics 2010 60 (11) pp. 1754-1761
Schupp, P. You, J.
Journal of High Energy Physics 2008 2008 (8)
Helling, R.C. Schupp, P. Tesileanu, T.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2006 74 (6)
Schupp, P.
Fortschritte der Physik 2006 54 (2-3) pp. 165-174
Aschieri, P. Blohmann, C. Dimitrijević, M. Meyer, F. Schupp, P. Wess, J.
Classical and Quantum Gravity 2005 22 (17) pp. 3511-3532