Meet Astra, a sweet and spunky Appenzeller, working alongside her human, Elias, in the Marketing Department. Lover of all treats, any body of water larger than her water bowl, and playfully frolicking around, she happily greets anyone who stops by the office.
If Astra could pick a program, she’d be an International Relations: Politics and History student because she likes to foster peaceful relations between humans. C3 is her college of choice, as she prefers to live as close to the rowing tank as possible. Because, in her eyes, the rowing tank is a giant puddle for her to splash in. Her favorite place on campus is obviously the campus green because what dog doesn’t love a large field to run, jump, and roll around on? Plus, bonus points for when it’s covered in fluffy snow.
Astra splits her time between marketing and secondary school. When she’s not at the university, she’s with her other human, being a calm and comforting presence to school-aged children. She also contributes to the marketing team by checking in and providing comfort, attention, and entertainment to each team member.
And while it’s unclear if she prefers printed or digital marketing better, she’s thrilled at whatever delivers the best results and extra treats.