The world of investment banking and capital markets is multi-faceted and requires meticulous preparation to break into. That is why the Investment Banking & Capital Markets Society was created. As the only financial society on the campus of Jacobs University Bremen, the IB&CM tries to promote the highest standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence to students and professionals.

With more than 50 members involved in 4 projects, we offer our members much more than just financial education. We offer our members insights into the recruitment process in the financial sector, access to a broad network of students, recruiters, and industry professionals, and access to our events and activities. In one of our 4 projects, our members can gain a deeper understanding of a more specific topic of their interest. Currently, our members can choose between the student-managed investment fund, the pro-bono consulting, the asset-management project, and the events team. Also, they can engage in the areas of Human Resources and Public Relations.
Student Managed Investment Fund
The Jacobs University Student Managed Investment Fund (JUSMIF) is a student-run asset management initiative that aims to establish a fund completely run and managed by students at Jacobs University. The idea of SMIF (student-managed funds) is a staple in business schools around the world, some managing over 30 million in funds. Some of these funds have matured to have over 20 years of experience, partners, and a fully-fledged training academy. We provide a unique experience to students who are interested to expand their knowledge and practical skills in the area of financial analysis, research, and investments. Currently, we have a team of 9 analysts who will work with us to bring this idea to life. Our members represent 7 majors, 7 countries, and 3 continents and are eager to learn more about the markets and apply their knowledge.
Student Consulting
The Jacobs University Student Consulting (JUSC) is a management consulting project at Jacobs University Bremen. The objective of the project is to provide a venue for students who are interested to expand their knowledge and practical skills in the area of consulting, research, and investments. Also, student consulting provides networking possibilities within the consulting field for its members. Currently, the JUSC has an internationally diverse team with more than 15 members from 10 different countries, speaking 10 different languages.
Asset Management Team
The IBCM Asset Management Team (formerly IBCM Wealth Management) is an asset management initiative at Jacobs University Bremen. The objective of the initiative is to provide a venue for students who have are interested to expand their knowledge and practical skills in the area of financial modeling and investment decisions.
Insights Weeks and Events
Insight Weeks and Events (IWE) is a project within the IB&CM at Jacobs University Bremen. The object is to organize internal and external events for the IB&CM society and to provide the member with insights into possible career paths. Currently, the main event, the member of IWE are working on, is the annual IBCM conference. This conference is a networking event for society members with alumni who work in the financial sector. The IWE project also wants to provide workshops and discussions to strengthen the knowledge of its members.
The biggest event organized by the IB&CM so far was the Annual Conference in February. With more than 100 participants and over 15 alumni, students could gain interesting insights into the areas of consulting, finance and business.
Human Resources and Public Relations
In the areas of Human Resources and Public Relations, our members can gain useful information on the structure of the society and the mechanisms behind its marketing. In small teams, they can contribute their ideas and take over many responsibilities. Furthermore, they are involved in the improvement of internal processes and can foster their communication skills. Moreover, they are engaged in the creation and management of society's Newsletter and Social media.

Left to right: Torben Hasloop. Thore Rümper, Hauke Feddersen, Deepak Chaudhary, Prayas Tiwari, Regine Kracke, Elias Bosch
Our vision is to create a platform where students can connect, develop, and create valuable contacts between themselves and with firms for their coming careers. We aim to allow our members to visit some of the most prominent financial institutions in the world within Europe. Also, we have a solid foundation with the Alumni Association. In the future, we aim to offer financial education to every member of the Jacobs community and to engage even more with the people on and off-campus.
If you would like to know more about IB&CM, feel free to send a mail to ‘’ or ‘’.
BY Torben Hasloop, VP Public relations | CLASS OF 2023 & Muhammad Shahzaib Tahir awan (Pakistan) | CLASS OF 2022