Constructor University and Constructor Group would like to express our support and solidarity to the communities affected by the recent earthquake in Turkey, Syria, and other countries in the region, that took place on February 6th 2023. Our thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones and suffered damage to their homes and communities. We stand with the affected individuals and families in this time of need and will do all we can to support their recovery and rebuilding efforts.
In light of this, Constructor University is taking several concrete actions to support relief efforts. We’re joining forces with our network partners Acronis and Groundbreaker for fundraising. Groundbreaker is a nonprofit platform that works as a link between donors and local initiatives worldwide.
Donations can already be made here: https://groundbreaker.kindful.com/?campaign=1238475
We will be further informing our community about concrete actions and additional ways in which they can offer support.
For more information or to participate in student efforts, please contact info@constructor.university
Updates on efforts handled by Constructor University to support humanitarian organizations will be provided here.
February 14th 2023
Just one week following the earthquake disaster in Syria and Turkey, many measures have been taken by Constructor group and partnering organizations.
CIP humanitarian drive
On February 11th and 12th , students from the Community Impact Project (CIP) at Constructor University in Bremen, Germany quickly organized events for the collection of goods, food and emergency supplies to send to the devastated areas in Turkey and Syria.
CIP student organizers Ani Khutsaidze and Lorena Zaragoza launched the event within 24 hours to collect materials. Ani was motivated by her peers: "I'm proud of our team and community spirit for coming together to support those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria,” she said, “Their quick response and generosity has been incredible. We collected many of the needed items and they'll be on their way to those in need in the coming days."

Constructor group sends Falcon to Turkey with doctors and supplies
In alignment with the local authorities of Antakya in Turkey, majority shareholder of Constructor University, Constructor group, sent a corporate Falcon from Frankfurt to Antakya on Sunday morning (February 12th). This collaboration with NGO Humanity First aimed to: bring doctors and medical supplies to the affected region, establish medical stations, deliver approximately 2,5 K EUR of medicine, and organize its freight. The equipment sent will be used for, not only medical camps offering treatment of first-response individuals, but also a field kitchen in cooperation with the Turkish local and government authorities (AFAD).
The support provided to Antakya is done via Humanity First Germany in coordination with the UN World Food Programme (WFP). Flight expenses were covered by Constructor group founder Serg Bell, and his wife Oznur Bell, who have already contributed 50k USD in donations through the fundraising platform Groundbreaker.
The doctors volunteering with Humanity First have been active in various emergency relief missions, including disaster relief in Africa, Ukraine, and the floodings in Germany. Humanity First is a global charity organization active in over 100 countries with eight main programs, including Global Health, Water for Life, and Disaster Relief, and resources such as hospitals and orphanages.