The Creative Brain and the Passionate Mind


Wednesday, 11.Oct. 2017 - UNESCO DAY OF MENTAL HEALTH:

The Creative Brain and the Passionate Mind (On the Neurobiology of Creativity and Passion)

Radwa Khalil, Department of Psychology, Jacobs University, Bremen, Department of Prevention and Health Psychology, SRH Fernhochschule–The Mobile University, Riedlingen, Germany

Having creative thinking is one of the gateways for achieving success and remarkable progress not only at work but also in everyday life. Then, how can we define creativity, and what are the biological roots of it? Creativity is the ability to turn novel and imaginative ideas into reality. It involves two main dynamical processes; (1) thinking, and (2) production. Maximizing these processes strongly enriches our daily life. Therefore, highlighting the neurobiological roots that participate in inducing and enhancing them is of great importance. There are several factors that accelerate the neurobiological systems of the brain for generating the creative ideas such as art and even science if you are passionate about it. In this talk, Ms. Khalil will focus on the relationship between creativity and passion. How can we increase the levels of creativity through passion? And what are the neurobiological elements and the pathways that interact when you are passionate about something (i.e., painting, music, science, crafting……etc.)? Ms. Khalil will shed light on these neurobiological factors that could be shaped by passion to boost our brain towards greater creativity.

Ms. Radwa Khalil is a neuroscientist at the Jacobs University in Bremen and a lecturer at the SRH Mobile University in Riedlingen. She was born in Alexandria (Egypt). From 2009-2011 she was a teaching assistant in Biology at the Alexandria University in Egypt. In 2015 she obtained her Master degree in Integrative Neuroscience at the Medical Faculty of the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg. From September 2016-August 2017 she received a research fellowship at the Rutgers University in Newark, USA. She published several papers in international high impact factor journals such as the European Journal of Neuroscience, Behavioural Brain Research, Frontiers in cellular neuroscience and Frontiers in Psychology. For her research activities she obtained several awards such as the Best Oral presentation Award at the N€uromed meeting, in Marseille France and travel grants from IBRO (International Brain Research Organization). She is also a council member of the Mediterranean Neuroscience Society (MNS).

"The Creative Brain and the Passionate Mind" is a special talk with an interactive character. Everyone is welcome to attend. Refreshments and fall Gourmet snacks will be shared. Please feel free to bring your friends, family and host family along for this unique evening of creative thought and innovative ideas.

Wishing you all a very colorful and creative fall season,
Cynthia Nieland, Program Director

English & Deutsch for JU

The Human Experience in Cultures, Science and World Peace sponsored by:

English & German for JU is a weekly bilingual discussion group with changing topics in the field of cultures, science and world peace. The greater Jacobs community is invited to attend interesting interdisciplinary talks by prominent scientists, researchers, writers, artists and leaders of society. The lectures are free and refreshments are served. English & German for JU is the winner of the Jacob's University " Social Involvement and Community Service Award 2017".


Event details and reservation
10/11/2017 at 8 pm: The Creative Brain and the Passionate Mind (On the Neurobiology of Creativity and Passion)
Research V