DFG Summer School of the SPP 1807


We are proud to announce the first Summerschool of the SPP 1807
Control of London Dispersion Interactions in Molecular Chemistry.

The Summer School will take place at Jacobs University Bremen and will be held from Sunday May 29 to Wednesday June 1.

The underlying concept of the Summer School is that all PhD students and postdocs that are financially supported the the SPP 1807 schould actively organize the conference and are expected to give an oral presentation. All PIs are invited to participate as guests to ensure the hight quality of the conference. Additionally, up to five international scientists will be invited to give talks on their cutting edge research on dispersion interactions.

Host at Jacobs:
Prof. Dr. Werner Nau | Dean for Natural Sciences | Professor of Chemistry | Focus Area Health |
Phone: +49 421 200-4339 | E-Mail: w.nau@jacobs-university.de

Philipp Wagner | Scientific Secretary SPP 1807 | Universität Giessen |
E-Mail: Jan.P.Wagner@chemie.uni.giessen.de

Registration is closed!

For information please click here!

Event details and reservation
SPP 1807 Summer School
Lecture Hall, Research III