English for JU: GRADUATION SAIL 2017


Saturday 10th, June

Departure Time: 10 am and 11 am.
Guests should arrive 15 minutes early  to departure time at the Pier in order to reserve your place

Registration: Please register your guests at JU-Talk@web.de
( guest registration is mandatory as space is limited )

Sponsored by :
The English  & German for JU Group
The Human Experience in Cultures, Science and World Peace

English & German for JU is a weekly bilingual discussion group with changing topics in the field of cultures, science and world peace. The Jacobs community is invited to attend interesting free interdisciplinary talks by prominent scientists, researchers, writers, artists and leaders of society. English & German for JU is the winner of the Jacob's University " Social Involvement and Community Service Award 2017".

Thank you to the Einwohner Verein of Bremen-Grohn for their generous support for the Weser Graduation Sail.

Event details and reservation
Strandlust Hotel