Holger Bloos: A presentation of the Bloomberg Terminal Functions
A presentation of the Bloomberg Terminal Functions
The Bloomberg Terminal is a computer system provided by Bloomberg L.P. that enables professionals in finance and other industries to access the Bloomberg Professional service through which users can monitor and analyze real-time financial market data and place trades on the electronic trading platform. The system also provides news, price quotes, and messaging across its proprietary secure network. Most large financial firms have subscriptions to the Bloomberg Professional service.
On April 15 2015, Mr. Holger Bloos, a representative from Bloomberg London, will explain the basic Bloomberg Terminal Functions that pertain to the majors Global Economics and Management and the upcoming International Business Administration. At the end of the lecture, the students will receive a certificate that they have attended a training for the Terminal.
About the speaker:
Holger Bloos, Bloomberg office London, Sales
Holger Bloos, Bloomberg office London, Sales
Event details and reservation
Bloomberg presentation by Holger Bloos from Bloomberg L.P.