Homecoming 2021

The Jacobs University Homecoming tradition continues in 2021 as current and past generations of Jacobs University students will have a chance to come together to celebrate their alma mater, connect with old friends, and make new ones! While we cannot come together in a physical space this year, students and alumni will still be able to experience the familiar Homecoming events that they have come to know and love.
All events are open to alumni, current students, faculty, staff, and friends of the university, except where noted below. We look forward to seeing many familiar faces throughout the week.

Jacobs Alumni Association General Assembly
Saturday September 18, 17:00-18:30 CEST

This event is reserved for members of the Jacobs Alumni Association to discuss business operations of the Alumni Association. A minimum of 10 non-board members must attend to meet quorum and members will have a chance to vote proposed business measures.

Career Symposium
Monday September 20, 12:30-14:30

This year’s Career Symposium will be organized as a Virtual “World Café” by the Career Services Center. It aims to foster a constructive discussion as well as networking opportunities between alumni from all over the world, current students, professors, and employers.

Major Reunions
Tuesday September 21, 16:00-18:00 (Mobility)
Wednesday September 22, 17:30-19:30 (Health)
Thursday September 23, 16:00-18:00 (Diversity)

The reunions are a chance for students, faculty, and alumni to connect with others from their specific major and similar academic areas. Current students will hear from the perspective of the alumni and connect their academic coursework to the professional world. The alumni will gain perspective into what is being emphasized now in the classroom. Together the groups will be connected through faculty moderators who will serve as a bridge between the students and alumni.

College Reunions
Friday September 24, 16:00-18:00

While the emphasis of the Major Reunions is primarily on the academic side, the College Reunions will focus more on the social aspect of being a Jacobian. Alumni from College 3, Krupp, Mercator, and Nordmetall will have a chance to come together to reminisce and share memories about their time as a student. Current resident mentors and other campus life representatives will be there to talk about the colleges today.

A link to register for and participate in the events will be published shortly.


Event details and reservation
The Jacobs University Homecoming tradition continues in 2021 as current and past generations of Jacobs University students will have a chance to come together to celebrate their alma mater, connect with old friends, and make new ones! While we cannot come together in a physical space this year, students and alumni will still be able to experience the familiar Homecoming events that they have come to know and love.
September 18th - 25th 2021